
Thursday, September 11, 2008

Remembering 9/11

September 11th
seasons and cycles
wilting caladiums
-Gillena Cox; TT

September eleven
The car radio was on
Twin towers were hit
-Quentin Clingerman; US

this unhappy day
the drops of water, they fall
cannot be undone
-kouji; PH

for those gone
not for the survivors
-Kitsune Miko; US

shorn birds
fall from the sky
-Pris Campbell; US

We speak
of everything except her son--
-Linda Papanicolaou; US


nikushimi no ima mo hatenashi kugatu jyuitiniti

endless hate
still going now
September 11th
-sakuo; JP

in a heartbeat...
our whole world
-Linda Pilarski; CA

our village is small
it became smaller
-Carol Raisfeld; US

Seven years gone
Rebuild it all
All except hope
- Famida Basheer; IN

i used to want
to be a fireman --
buildings crumbled
-Tyrone McDonald; US

ground zero --
a sparrow hopping
beside the black pit


to the black pit --
a dog in safety shoes
searching for life


ground zero --
blackened sweat drips from mask
of the life-saver


September morning
on the cup with broken handle
Twin Towers


September 11 ...
gusty wind in the pines
with a hint of smoke


September 11 --
in line at the blood station
bandannas and skullcaps


September 11 --
the World Wide Web covered
with all kinds of dust


September 11th --
after seven years, still
-Origa; US
more of Origa's 9/11

dust gathers
at the corners of her eyes
autumn leaves
dark figures
cartwheeling across the sky
maple seeds
-Trish Shields; CA

September storm
the green leaves that fall
before their time
-Bette Norcross Wappner (b'oki); US

September 11th
a new start
for the Autumn
September 11th
same moon
different heart
-Moussia; IT

renku editor gillena cox


  1. hi gillena

    may i add one?

    September storm
    the green leaves that fall
    before their time

    Bette Norcross Wappner (b'oki)

  2. beautiful haikus these. and terribly sad.

    i have one as well, but it's a bit vague. :(

    this unhappy day
    the drops of water, they fall
    cannot be undone

  3. Here is gathered human wish to be peace!!
    Thank you,Gillena san for your great haiku meeting.


  4. Thanks you to all who participated in maing the 2008 '9/11 tribute' a success

    much love

  5. Lovely bits capturing the sentiment and feelings well.

    we will NOT forget
    you 9/11 victims
    will get justice

  6. I'm late, but read all these. Great!

    anyway, a slightly naive version:

    version # 1

    a human hope
    is eternal --
    buildings not

    version # 2

    some buildings
    are eternal --
    upright or not
