
Sunday, January 08, 2012

Sunday Savvy 14

Thanksgiving; a pivot of human consciousness, a well revered center in everyone's quoditian space; whether you find yourself climbing the Everest slopes or flinging the rebounding boomerang way down under in Australia; be you shoeless beggarman at a street corner or king in a palace; it resides inherent in our human soul

Thanksgiving is not about Sundays, but Sundays can prove to be santuaries of the soul at this core point of existence; when every other day is bundled into a tight knot of reverence; Sunday can be our unfurling

Its already the second Sunday of 2012; on the eve of our first full moon

Revisit Sunday Savvy 13

quiet Sunday
packing up Christmas
until next year

Why not share a little Sunday someting with me: COMMENT
or email me


  1. quiet Sunday
    packing up Christmas
    until next year


  2. That is so beautiful oh Gillena....

  3. Thank you for your Sunday sharing Adelaide

    Thank you for dropping in Lorraine

    much love...
