
Sunday, June 03, 2012

Sunday Savvy 28

After the work week, or the school week, and weekend chores of Saturday, Sunday is a nice day to pack in some leisure hours; and this Sunday the community of St James affords its populace such a treat since the annual 'we beat' festival started June 1st and ends June 9th this year

Sunday savvy -
the 'we beat' stage draped
red white and black

--gillena cox

Sunday Smiles

tag 1...Rambles With A Camera - June 3rd 2012

tag 2...Flow And Stuff L - June 3rd 2012

tag 3...Feathers 1092

Why not share a lil Sunday something of yours with me: COMMENT or email me

revisit Sunday Savvy 27

Sunday . . .
how quickly
the long day passes

--Bill, US

Sunday morning
tickseed flowers brighter
than the sun

--Cara, US

picnic on the porch
the fragrance of peonies
with the ham and cheese

--Adelaide, US

I remember when I was a child:

Sunday clatter
coins in the passing tin
fresh milk

My Grandmother Magyar always wispered as the collection dish went by, "A less hungry child."
--_m, US

old age home---
wait for her son
on sunday morning

--Kash poet, IN

Sundays I never liked
I yearn for Mondays

--Lorraine, CA


  1. Sunday . . .
    how quickly
    the long day passes

  2. Bill glad you dropped in

    much love...

  3. picnic on the porch
    the fragrance of peonies
    with the ham and cheese


  4. Nicely done, as always.
    __I remember when I was a child:

    Sunday clatter
    coins in the passing tin
    fresh milk

    __My Grandmother Magyar always wispered as the collection dish went by, "A less hungry child."


  5. Thank you Adelaide, YUM; its Monday morning and i've not yet had breakfast:) i'm editing yesterdays post to include your haiku

    much love...

  6. Doug; always happy you visit; i'll edit to include your sharing

    much love...

  7. Sundays I never liked
    I yearn for Mondays

    it is the truth, but still I could never come up with anything as accurate and brilliant as yours and thank you for the tag

  8. A Happy Monday to you Lorraine

    much love...
