
Saturday, January 05, 2013


--image from google

the drizzle dissipates -
scent of pink roses

--gillena cox

fog over the roofs –
my new diary’s paper

-- Stella Pierides

sleeping through
the silence of snow
waking with the plough

-- Adelaide

wrapped up
in this Christmas gift, too
his love for me

packing away
the Christmas decorations...
another year without her

--Kirsten Cliff

sweet steelpan sounds
rehearsing day and night
carnival coming

--Keith Simmonds

moral hearts
bar the paths of evil
twelve days


Anansi image © gillena cox 2011

...Well; like i said before, and i'm saying again, it was an unusually rainy December, when, Anansi awoke one morning in an unusually bad mood, or so he thought. Anyways; it was an unusually cold kitchen (in the tropical island of Trinidad) in which cooking oil slowed to an eeire hot stillness in the large family frying pot, or so he thought, into which the radiant Mrs Anansi was dropping evenly formed bits of white flour dough, making fried bakes, or so he thought; for he the unusually grumpy Anansi didn't feel like getting out of bed even to have breakfast, or so he thought. And this is how it all started...THE END
(story of) 'Anansi - An Unusual Experience' © gillena cox 2012

My inspiration for writing 'Anansi - An Unusual Experience' came from reading, and viewing so many movie variations, of A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens

revisit 5 Jan 2012
Inspiration for this series The Twelve Days of Christmas Carol
more about Anansi

Today ends the FIFTH YEAR'S celebration of 'The 12 days of Christmas here at Lunch Break'
Thank you for celebrating with me 25 December 2012 to 5 January 2013.
Wishing the love and warmth of family and friends.
Till next CHRISTMAS; HAPPY NEW YEAR !!! and "may God bless us All"

All poems and images remain the copyright of individual writers

Many thanks again to my 2012/13 posse:-
Adelaide Shaw, US
Cara Holman, US
Chris Dominiczak, UK
Christine L Villa, US
Diane Mayr, US
Frank Williams, UK
Fred Masarani, US
Gheorghe Postelnicu, Romania
Keith Simmonds, Trinidad and Tobago
Kirsten Cliff, New Zealand
Lorraine Renaud, Canada
Magyar, US
Pat Geyer, US
Ralf Bröker, Germany
Stella Pierides, Germany
Tatjana Debeljacki, Serbia

*•. ¸*•.¸*•.¸*•. *•.¸ ¸.•*¸.•*¸.•*¸.•*¸.•*
*... *...*...**...* HAPPY NEW YEAR*...*...*
Thank you for celebrating with me*...**...*...*
much love.....gillena*...**...*...**...**...*...*
¸.•* ¸.•*¸.•* ¸.•*¸.•* *•.¸*•.¸*•.¸*•.¸*•


  1. Another great effort Gillena! Best wishes for the year ahead.

  2. Otteri thank you for visiting

    much love...

  3. Diane, couldn't do it with out good friends like you

    much love...

  4. This was a lot of fun, and I was happy to participate. Happy New Year to you and your family.


  5. Thank you Adelaide

    much love...

  6. holiday's end--
    the spirit of Christmas
    still in the air

    Thanks for hosting this, Gillena! :)

  7. Kirsten
    most definitely Christmas is merely a reconfirmation; Wishing you a year full of Joy

    much love...

  8. Lorraine; thank you, happy you stopped by

    much love...

  9. Lovely photos, lovely haiku. Thank you for the visit.

  10. Lorri
    glad you stopped by

    much love...

  11. Dear Friends and Visitors to Lunch Break
    I am happy to say that Anansi An Unusual Experience is now a book ISBN 978-3-7283-6573-0
    live and available from authorhouse Bookstore, Amazon Bookstore and other online booksellers

    This is the second of a 3 part Anansi mini series. 8 by 8 inches, illustrated, 19 pages. A chapter book targeting children 9-12 years.

    There are 7 chapters. Each chapter is introduced by a haiku

