
Sunday, June 23, 2013


sleep interrupted
a giant moon lights my sky...
Sunday savvy

--gillena cox

Its daytime Sunday, and the sky is azure, with no moon; however the awesome big roundish moon i spotted on Friday night was so remarkable i had to share. My calendars indicate the full moon tonight (in some time zones it would have been last night). Astronomy describes tonight's full moon as a perigee-syzygy; some folks say a Super Moon; the next one will be August 10, 2014; revisit Super Moon 2012

Sunday Smiles

Tag 1 One Single Expression
tag 2 Shadow Shot Sunday
tag 3 Kaleidoscope Sunday
tag 4 Sunday Scribblings
tag 5 Lovely Sunday Quotes
tag 6 Sunday Whirl
tag 7 Issa's Sunday Service
tag 8 Sunday In My City
tag 9 Silly Sunday

Today is #75 in the series Sunday Savvy; revisit Sunday Savvy #74 share your Sunday something email me post a COMMENT or post a URL


  1. I love the full moon at sunset today will a large full moon of color, do not miss it!

  2. Leovi

    thank you for dropping in

    much love...

  3. it sounds like a lovely way to awaken have a great day Gillena

  4. Thank you Lorraine; glad you stopped by

    much love...

  5. This is so beautiful...
    the full moon that impressed you so much shone into my bedroom, too.

  6. wasn't it a lovely moon; than you for stopping by Frieda

    much love...
