Sunday lunch in Trinidad and Tobago is a cultural icon, a drama of extravagance, in the humblest of homes this means putting that little extra bit to table; if your weekday meal was one dish, then Sunday it had to be a two dish; and if a weekday two dish, then Sunday it must be three and if weekday it was no dish, then Sunday, some kind heart sent you a plate of food.
Of this Sunday icon a crucially essential motif was the
Sunday Callaloo a greens soup which is most often served as a sauce or side. So that you pour it over your provision or rice or eat it aside as a soup.
Callaloo making is not without its little quirks;
'the callaloo bush' the ochroes, the pumpkin, the crab, the chives and other personal herb added. But the pepper has its tradition base and evolution story. In the good ole days, the Callaloo makers would take the finished product off the stove, remove the green pepper which was still whole and using
a swizzle stick swizzle the callaloo to a fine smooth consistency; however as time passed Callaloo makers grew careless, forgetting to remove the much renowned green pepper, which incidentally was a hot pepper, and many mouths burned; (but they still uncomfortably ate their Sunday callaloo), even though Callaloo makers were now usinging blenders instead of swizzle sticks, but that was not so bad as burned mouths slurping uncomfortably the 'almost sacred Sunday callaloo.' Then some wise Callaloo makers contemplating the situation, came upon the idea - colour code - and alas, all was well again in the Callaloo making arena; so that yellow or red peppers (still hot) were now added to the Callaloo pot, and all such Callaloo makers could only but remember to take the peppers out before swizzling or blending the Callaloo to a to a fine smooth consistency with a nice pepper flavour. And all was well again, There are however some diligent Callaloo makers whose use the hot green peppers and remember to take it out of the pot at the right time, Sunday SMILES.
This is Sunday 9 of the series 'Sunday Savvy' revisit Sunday Savvy 8Why not share a little Sunday someting with me comment or email me
much love