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Read my poem WE LOWED

Tripoli Steelband playing 'Joy To The World' at St Mary's RC Church in St James, Trinidad; Christmas Eve night.

to greet the Prince of peace...
glow of Christmas morn
--Keith Simmonds, Trinidad and Tobago
WHAT'S ANANCY UP TO NOW! © gillena cox
It was night time, dark night, almost as dark as that silent holy night, of long long long ago. Really, it was Christmas eve. Anancy got up from his bed, and scurried past on tiptoes. Mrs Anancy in the kitchen, was too swamped with the delicious smells from her breads and cakes and cookies baking; and of course, her pleasant humming of her favourite, all time classic carol, The Twelve Days Of Christmas, to hear her husband slip by and leave the house.
Earlier they had decided, (Mr and Mrs Anancy,) not to buy the children any Christmas gifts; they both had come to the decision that their children were just too spoilt. They opened the their gifts after Christmas morning mass, barely even wanting to have breakfast. They had to be called three, and four, and five times, to come sit down and have some breakfast. They would open their toys, and after all the boxes we open, looked to make sure there were no more left to open; and they turned over and shook the already opened boxes before they started to play.
As such, there stood a giant Christmas tree, in the Anancy living room; all ribboned, and sparkling, and tinselled, and baubled, and beaded, and colourful, and sad! Yes! the Anancy family Christmas tree was a sad tree.
Then, how come Mrs Anancy still hummed her favourite Christmas carol " on the first day of Christmas my true love gave to me la la la la la la la...on the second day of Christmas my true love gave to me la la la la la la la...on the third day of Christmas my true love gave to me la la la la la la la...on the fourth day of Christmas my true love gave to me la la la la la la la...on the fifth day of Christmas my true love gave to me la la la la la la la...on the sixth day of Christmas my true love gave to me la la la la la la la....
Has the Anancy household, in the sunny Caribbean, suddenly gone colder than winter!
And what of Anancy? why this sneaking about on such a night? What's Anancy up to now?
(will be continued at the January 1st posting)
Anansi image © gillena cox

-- Gheorghe Postelnicu, Romania
the day after...
housewives sleeping late
dreaming of carols
--Keith Simmonds, Trinidad and Tobago

he pivots
the festivities...
baby Jesus
--gillena cox
the birth of the Christ child
from house to house
--Keith Simmonds, Trinidad and Tobago

no moon
how the stars twinkle!
for my grandbaby
--gillena cox
twinkling on every home ...
triumph of good over evil
--Keith Simmonds, Trinidad and Tobago
clip art courtesy Wikipedia

Creche at St Mary's RC Church in St James, Trinidad

the new family
angels acclaim them...
a night so holy
--gillena cox
with a massive Christmas tree…
carols in the air
--Keith Simmonds, Trinidad and Tobago
clip art courtesy Wikipedia

Holy Innocents…
six-year-olds bring their guns
for the day’s blessings
--Keith Simmonds, Trinidad and Tobago
clip art courtesy Wikipedia

Family and friends
in convivial ecstasy…
yuletide festival
--Keith Simmonds, Trinidad and Tobago

year's end...
yet the 'last minute' buyers
for black eyed peas
--gillena cox
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Individual copyright remains with participants and should not be used without their permission.
Remember to read also those shared as COMMENTS.
This post was created December 25th 2013(DAY 1) and edited to include (DAYS 2-7)