Sunday, January 31, 2016


sometimes balloons
leave the party to frolic -
Children's carnival

out in the streets
the wind finds new rhythm -
Children's carnival

splendor of colour
in the cheer of bright sunshine -
Children's carnival
--© gillena cox [haiku 2016, photo 2014]

Jan 31,2010
Sunday Savvy #18
Sunday Lime 1

Quiet morning, with bright bright sunshine anticipating the cheer of the Children's Parade of Carnival costumes through the Western Main Road here in St James, later today

Sunday Smiles

Sundays are always special here at Lunch Break. Today is #70 in the series Sunday Lime How is your Sunday going email me post a COMMENT or leave a link to your blog at the linky below

This linky list is now closed.

Blog hopping today at
Poetry Pantry 287

Friday, January 29, 2016


walk through the city
a backdrop of bird songs
and its radiance

© gillena cox 2016

For this week's photo edit, i used a photo taken in 2008, of A stain glass window of the Cathedral of The Immaculate Conception, built in 1832, in the city of Port of Spain Trinidad. The Cathedral was closed recently is reopened, in 2015 after being renovationated

Party Friday Week 47, Year 5


Recuerda Mi Corazon haiku my heart - city

Sunday, January 24, 2016


what songs those birds sing -
fixed notes outside my window
fills an azure sky
--© gillena cox 2016

A morning clear bright, busy with bird songs dry hot and dusty, we'll have a lot of those for a while, it Dry Season, and its good for the season of Carnival. But that's not all, there's the blizzard in US shutting down so much of life's activities there, hoping, wishing, praying it subsides soon soon.

Jan 24, 2012
#69 in the series Sunday Savvy
Sunday Lime 1

Sunday Smiles

Sundays are always special here at Lunch Break. Today is #69 in the series Sunday Lime How is your Sunday going email me post a COMMENT or leave a link to your blog at the linky below

This linky list is now closed.

Blog hopping today at
Poetry Pantry 286

Friday, January 22, 2016


dry season -
in the absence of breezes
tree spirits still dance

© gillena cox 2016

Trees - Serpentine Road, St Clair, Trinidad 2015

Okay so last week i digressed a bit to share with you my Bowie tribute, so, this week i'm back on track with Editing old photos #2

Party Friday Week 46, Year 5


Recuerda Mi Corazon haiku my heart - tree spirits

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Monday, January 18, 2016


bird songs
including the rooster's crow
again dawn

© gillena cox 2006

I started this blog, ten years ago posting the image above and haiku, I received four comments. My, how time flies when one is having fun

Today Lunch Break is ten years old, Party Hats On: Welcome to the online party

I harbor
in your honor

Admit I took a chance
surrounding preparation
peppy circumstance.

I come bearing gifts
to cherish and hold
long stemmed roses
--Sanaa Rizvi, Saudi Arabia

winter night
transforms to daybreak
counting dreams
--Vibeke Laier, Denmark

cheers my friend...
we clink ten times
to celebrate

in the once
that still is...
many years
happy, Happy Anniversary!
--Pat Geyer, USA

ten years
a toast in front of
the fireplace

lunch break—
inside the shell
a smooth pearl
--Stella Pierides, Germany

--Mike Keville, UK

so special...
daffodils and crystals lead
to many more
--Deborah White, USA

luminous stars
on its own
--Eva Limbach, Germany

hear the cork
its bubbles tell of time
a toast

Cheers, Gillena_!

Raising hopes, they walk
on the multicolored moon
to share the same dream.
--Marieta Maglas, Romania

10th birthday
she no longer asks
for pink frosting
--Diane Mayr, USA

Revisit Anniversary Postings

Thank you for your haiku gifts and well wishes

Sunday, January 17, 2016


image from google dot com

adjusting new drapes
to a window; the nuisance
of cell phone chiming
© gillena cox 2016

Tomorrow is party time here at Lunch Break, remember to drop by; as the tenth anniversary rolls in; so this is party preparation Sunday

17 Jan 2012
#68 in the series Sunday Savvy
Sunday Lime 1

Sunday Smiles

Sundays are always special here at Lunch Break. Today is #68 in the series Sunday Lime How is your Sunday going email me post a COMMENT or leave a link to your blog at the linky below

This linky list is now closed.

Blog hopping today at
Poetry Pantry 285


Recuerda Mi Corazon haiku my heart - party time

Saturday, January 16, 2016


the old cherry tree -
not even a nest today between
its spindly branches
de old cherry tree -
not even ah nest today between
spindly branches

dry season
sky azure
lawn sprayed

© gillena cox 2016

Blog hopping today at
dry Saturday sky azure lawn sprayed


Carpe Diem Vernacular #1 cherry blossom (kersenbloesem)

kersenbloesems ontluiken
zo breekbaar
cherry blossoms open
so fragile
© Chèvrefeuille

Tuesday, January 12, 2016


I imagine a star, rising, much like dandelion puffs in the lightness of an ethereal breeze, spun on the threads of wanderlust and bohemian trysts, the core of vanishing, the sparks of genius, reaching higher higher higher; travelling at the speed of esoteric.

sun beams and moon rays -
in the rhythm of silence
he David fleeing

© gillena cox 2016

Process Note: I used an image from google dot com, of Bowie clothed in black and white; manipulaled the image using Pic Monkey, to get the present image and added text for a haiga

Party Friday Week 45, Year 5

Sunday, January 10, 2016


will there be bird songs
forever; her ultimate yes
resounds still today

© gillena cox 2016

For us Catholics today is the last day of the Season of Christmas, so i will be putting away my Creche, taking down my wreath etc etc tomorrow morning

Stray Bauble 2015
Sunday Savvy #54
Sunday Lime 1

Sunday Smiles

Sundays are always special here at Lunch Break. Today is #67 in the series Sunday Lime How is your Sunday going email me post a COMMENT or leave a link to your blog at the linky below

This linky list is now closed.

Blog hopping today at
Poetry Pantry 285

Saturday, January 09, 2016



at the seashore
wind of summer through my hair
the shortest night
© Chèvrefeuille

this heat fanned by evening gusts
mixed scent of blossoms inhaled

bougainvillea tips
orchestrated to skips of
butterflies in flight

little kiskadee flies in
variegated yellow leaves

clear bright sunny day
a patch of clear blue sky near
a clump of cloud puffs


little room is left to sigh
season of Carnival reigns

© gillena cox 2016

Blog hopping at
Carpe Diem Special #191 A Trip Along Memory Lane #2 Soliloquy no Renga

clear bright sunny Saturday today yeah!