Thursday, July 16, 2009


Trinis say 'we liming' - meaning we're just chilling, or just passing the time


Devika Jyothi said...

Very nice, Gillena :)

that exactly is what i do, unto that final big jobs to be done! :)


Devika Jyothi said...

that doesn't mean I am not serious with my work :)

btw, very nice picture that is, Gillena :)


Pan Haiku Review said...

lime quarter
an ice cube collapses
over jazz


haiku-shelf (Angelika Wienert) said...

Indeed nice!

Laurie A. said...

my first time here, Gillena. i've thoroughly enjoyed my visit. after two hours in the dentist's chair this afternoon, i'm in the mood for some serious liming!

Unknown said...

I feel the depth of this picture.
I like color construction..
Your gray and green are well matching.


Lorraine said...

It's beautiful, has such a freshness to it Gillena, and bravo for the photo ;)

Ričardas said...

Indeed, it feels like after the rain, and it's a real good time for some liming :) Nice.

Gillena Cox said...

Thanks fr stopping by every one
Was I lucky to catch this one!!!

much love

Catbird55 said...

Liming -- in England it means using bird-lime to trap birds

HaikuKelly said...

Such green!

Unknown said...

Thanks Cat
Thanks Kelly
glad you stopped by

much love