Pastelle Recipe here...
in Trinidad and Tobago banana trees are also called 'fig trees'; so we talk about 'green fig' and 'fig leaf'
so therefore the haiku from the image could we read locally as
fig trees
fig leaves will wrap pastelles
for Christmas menus
--gillena cox
lovely haiga and delicious, Gillena ...i love the smell of those pastelles in smoked banana leaves :)
we do make pastelles wrapped in banana leaf -- there's a simple sweet one with coconut grating and banana slice, cardomom and jaggery/sugar; and non-veg too -- but the Trini mix seem different --(haha i have made it a whole recipe post!
but i never knew banana trees were called fig,
yes Dev that's the way we Trinis say it :)
Oh and your sweet recipe; we make a similiar one which is called 'sweet pamee' hope i spelt it correctly
much love
pamee--ha, i had a friend, whom we called pamee -- Pamela was her name :)
& our sweet pastelle is called ottada or just ada :)
Trini and Kerala seem to have some links :)
I prefer that letters are more clear and larger.
Very good balance in color tone that makes unique mood.
I like it.
Lve love this, I love Chirstmas, you give me an advance taste ;)
seems T&T and Kerala, we do have a lot in common; there was at high school a girl we also called Pamee, i think though a more correct spelling for the 'sweet pastelle' would be paymee, again thats my spelling of the word, hope i got it right this time :)
Sakuo san
thank you for visiting and critiquing, much appreciated
me too i love Christmas a whole lot; my favorite time of the year
much love
okay :)
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