original image from the internet...'sunday treat' was a something to look forward to as a child, when i was growing up in Chaguanas; and this, simply defined, was my father (deceased) making ice cream in an ice cream pail, on the back steps; it involved turning the handle of a 'tub looking' structure, applying ice and salt in (to my child's mind) a mysterious process
original image from the internetthat was generations ago, today in St James where i live, both the ice cream parlors and the street ice cream vendors are busy, seems the Sunday ice cream treat tradition is still alive.
This is
Sunday 6 of the series
'Sunday Savvy' revisit Sunday Savvy 5Why not share a little Sunday someting with me comment or email me
much love
Sunday Savvy
Chicken or chuck roast dinners
Occasional pie for dessert
Drives to visit relatives