Friday, February 28, 2014


a field of ripe clouds -
there only butterflies pick
buckets-full of fun

-- gillena cox

Its time to say farewell to February once more
Visitors to this blog, know by now, that i dub February 'My Month' because i was born on February 11th
Did you know
February 30 occurs in some calendars, but not in the Gregorian calendar, where February contains only 28, or in a leap year, 29 days. February 30 is usually used as a sarcastic date for referring to something that will never happen or will never be done.

PP F: Week 51, Year 3

Recuerda Mi Corazon Haiku My Heart Friday

Wednesday, February 26, 2014


Children showed off their carnival costumes in The Annual Parade, along the Western Main Road in St James; Sunday 23rd February 2014. (final posting)

when they masquerade
those white lines of the grey street
no fervor constrained

--gillena cox

Linking today to

Signs signs

Outdoor Wednesday #268

Wordless Wednesday

Tuesday, February 25, 2014


Children showed off their carnival costumes in The Annual Parade, along the Western Main Road in St James; Sunday 23rd February 2014.
(Last 3 photos tomorrow)

wave after wave in
a jumping joy-land of verve
the children's parade

--gillena cox

Linking today to

Ruby Tuesdays Too

Our World Tuesday

P52 Sweet Shot Tuesday ~ Week 09
P52 Sweet Shot Tuesday with Kent Weakley

Monday, February 24, 2014


Children showed off their carnival costumes in The Annual Parade, along the Western Main Road in St James; Sunday 23rd February 2014.
(More photos tomorrow)

dancing feet -
new rhythms carry
old customs

-- gillena cox

Linking today to
Monday Mellow Yellows


AND Back linking to
Unknown Mami

Friday, February 21, 2014


grasping solitude -
the many thoughts that can be
written on the wind

-- gillena cox

Linking today to
Carpe Diem #405, Zenjibuji (Temple 32)

It maybe well here to note the use of words in Zen, the way in which silence and speech are one thing. In all true Zen language and conversation, that is to say, whenever two minds are really in communion, any given word connotes its logical opposite as well. So if we say "selflessness", it means, in conjunction, "selffulness". "Loneliness" is also a state of interpenetration with all other things. Thus Basho (1644-1694) says, aspiring to be in this state:

ah, Kankodori,
deepen thou
my loneliness

Recuerda Mi Corazon Haiku My Heart Fridays

Friday Haiku

Wednesday, February 19, 2014


were diamonds to spark
only from the pendant of
a sole clasped bosom
--gillena cox

Click below to read my other poem titled

Linking today to
Poetry Jam prompt - 'Olypmics'

Carpe Diem Special #78, Pilgrimage to Santiago De Compostela (or The Way of St. James)

secrets revealed
in a magical and mysterious way -
the sound of babbling water

the sound of babbling water
brings the mind into ecstasy
secrets revealed

Sunday, February 16, 2014


Sunday church
we eat our fill of delights
of heaven

only heaven can
succor our joy
Sunday savvy
-- gillena cox

Wishing you a joy filled day

Sunday Smiles

Linked today to
Shadow Shot Sunday 2

tag 1 Sunday Whirl
tag 2 Kaleidoscope Sunday
tag 3 Magpie Tales
tag 4 Straight Out Of The Camera Sunday
tag 6 Issa's Sunday Service
tag 7 Sunday In My City
tag 8 Silly Sunday
tag 9 Lovely Sunday Quotes
tag 10 Poetry pantry
tag 11 imaginary garden with real toads

Today is #94 in the series Sunday Savvy: revisit Sunday Savvy #93 What's your Sunday thought, Sunday wish, Sunday action today? To share 'Something Sunday' EMAIL me, COMMENT, or enter a LINK from your blog below.

This linky list is now closed.

Friday, February 14, 2014


patterned ... in the heart of love
furls of ... encounters

-- gillena cox

(i received this flower on my Facebook wall)

(table setting at Nalis St James Book Club meeting yesterday, we celebrated 3 birthdays and St Valentine's Day)

Happy St Valentine's Day to all Lunch Break friends, fans and visitors

Linking today to PPF Week 49, Year 3

Orange You Glad It’s Friday! Week 77
Orange You Glad It's Friday

Recuerda Mi Corazon Haiku My Heart Friday

i heart macro

Carpe Diem #400, Hatsumisakiji (Temple 24)

feeling proud
one single red rose on a vase -
everlasting love
(c) Chèvrefeuille

Thursday, February 13, 2014


image from

Tuesday was my birthday, and yesterday afternoon, my daughter took me out to tea

leaving the tea shop...
allure of sound of water
to a small fountain

-- gillena cox

Linking today to
Carpe Diem #77, Pilgrimage to Santiago De Compostela or The Way of St. James

between the rocks
a marmotte is hiding for the sun -
a skylark's song

Share Your Cup Thursday #91

Little Things Thursday
Little by Little

Shine the Divine