Sunday, February 16, 2014


Sunday church
we eat our fill of delights
of heaven

only heaven can
succor our joy
Sunday savvy
-- gillena cox

Wishing you a joy filled day

Sunday Smiles

Linked today to
Shadow Shot Sunday 2

tag 1 Sunday Whirl
tag 2 Kaleidoscope Sunday
tag 3 Magpie Tales
tag 4 Straight Out Of The Camera Sunday
tag 6 Issa's Sunday Service
tag 7 Sunday In My City
tag 8 Silly Sunday
tag 9 Lovely Sunday Quotes
tag 10 Poetry pantry
tag 11 imaginary garden with real toads

Today is #94 in the series Sunday Savvy: revisit Sunday Savvy #93 What's your Sunday thought, Sunday wish, Sunday action today? To share 'Something Sunday' EMAIL me, COMMENT, or enter a LINK from your blog below.

This linky list is now closed.


Magical Mystical Teacher said...

I love heaven's delights! Happy Sunday to you!

Safe Amid Shadows

Gillena Cox said...

happy you dropped in Maggie

much love...

foxysue said...

This is beautiful, and pure, thank you for your Sunday offering. x

Gillena Cox said...

Happy you dropped in Sue

Much love...

Out of Sight L said...

Yes, beautiful, Only Heaven....

rebecca said...

lovely....your pairing of the metamorphosis of the butterfly and the rebirth of our souls.

Gillena Cox said...

happy you stopped by Lorraine

much love...

Gillena Cox said...

Thank you for your appreciation Rebecca

much love...

Paula Scott Molokai Girl Studio said...

Love that catepillar!!

Gillena Cox said...

happy you dropped in Paula

much love...

NatureFootstep said...

a caterpillar...that´s promising. :)

Magyar said...

__Monday, though Sunday's ink has dried, its care remains at our page.

Gillena Cox said...

NF thanks for dropping in

much love...