Sunday, March 30, 2014


trees - Woodford Square, Port of Spain

colours of blossoms
renewing our landscape...
exit month of March

parched dry days ensue
clouds hold the rain chrysalis
Sunday savvy
--gillena cox

Today in Trinidad and Tobago, Spiritual Baptists are observing 'Spiritual Baptist Shouter Liberation Day'; the only country in the world, which celebrates a public holiday for persons of this faith

revisit Spiritual Baptist Shouter Liberation Day 2013

Happy Holiday from Lunch Break Sunday Smiles

Today is #99 in the series Sunday Savvy: revisit Sunday Savvy #98 What's your Sunday thought, Sunday wish, Sunday action today To share with me you can EMAIL me; you can COMMENT; you can enter a LINK from your blog, at the Linky below

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I am blog hopping today at

Shadow Shot Sunday 2

Carpe Diem #434, Okubo-ji (temple 88)

Recuerda Mi Corazon Post Cards From Paradise

Unknown Mami

Monday Mellow Yellows

Blue Monday

Saturday, March 29, 2014


holiday Monday in Trinidad and Tobago

Salybia Jigsaw PuzzleSalybia Jigsaw Puzzle
click to play the puzzle - Enjoy!

centuries ago
out of the river Jordan...
The Messiah sealed

-- gillena cox

I am blog hopping today at


Carpe Diem #433, Nagao-ji (temple 87)

the last steps taken
to find universal love -
the sound of rain
--(c) Chèvrefeuille

Friday, March 28, 2014


a flower opens
unfurling joy unspoken
petals catch the light
-- gillena cox

I am blog hopping today at

PPF: Week 3, Year 4

Recuerda Mi Corazon Haiku My Heart - Suddenly

Carpe Diem Special #84, The Way of St. James (part 10)

Sunday, March 23, 2014


Sunday Savvy Now A Sunday Meme

church bells
the pace of my steps quicken
slight drizzle

slight drizzle
a congregation gathers
Sunday savvy

-- gillena cox

In those days, in their thirst for water,
the people grumbled against Moses,
saying, “Why did you ever make us leave Egypt?.....
[Reading EX 17:3-7]

Today is the third Sunday of Lent; Sunday Smiles

Today is #98 in the series Sunday Savvy:
revisit Sunday Savvy #97 What's your Sunday thought, Sunday wish, Sunday action today To share with me you can EMAIL me; you can COMMENT; you can enter a LINK from your blog, at the Linky below

This linky list is now closed.

And I am blog hopping today at

Carpe Diem #428, Mandara-ji (temple 72)

Recuerda Mi Corazon Post Cards From Paradise

PPF: Week 2, Year 4


Saturday, March 22, 2014


colours of leisure
spread a gingham picnic cloth
pop! the wine opened

-- gillena cox

I am blog hopping today at
Recuerda Mi Corazon Haiku My Heart - eternal

Sky Watch Friday

Carpe Diem Special #83, The Way of St. James (part 9)

"I fought with all my strength to keep my hands and feet anchored to their holds, but the
noise of the water seemed to take me to another place. It was a mysterious and distant place where nothing that was happening at that moment was at all important, and it was a place that I could get to if I had the strength.[Carpe Diem]

Friday, March 21, 2014


Wordle prompt #152

squeeze your paint to paint
a city small yet bustling
with strips of green slack

apple cider drinks
pack wicker baskets with dust
bottle recycle

a tower felled plop
really it was an easel
fold it up no fuss
--gillena cox

I am blog hopping today at
Sunday Whirl Wordle #152

Thursday, March 20, 2014


photo 'The Ferruginous Pygmy-Owl' from glwildlife

who 'oo who 'oo whoo
who will go from the village
to ancestors meet

if you know then why
why do you ask Jumbie bird
why your mocking hoot

to awaken dread
in the throes of purple skies
is that why you ask

your echoes follow
golden rings in charcoal night
forest stalkers sleep

yet your eyes alight
piercing the seams of dreamers
stitched to folklore's sight
--gillena cox

I am blog hopping today at
Poetry Jam the prompt is 'OWL'

Wednesday, March 19, 2014


photo courtesy Ligo Haibun Challenge Picture Prompt

Its a hot day. The kind of day everyone knows is now hot, after the carnival festivities. She invites us over to her place. (Besides what are girlfriends for any way?) She doesn't want to be alone. Not now, when her wellspring of tears have dried up, when she can cry no more. After stringing her along for so many years, he decides it time she knew, he's married, and his wife lives overseas. The Carnival is truly over. The ashes on her forehead loudly acclaim.

lilacs sprout
from an earthen ware jar
pool side

--gillena cox

I am blog hopping today at
Ligo Haibun Challenge – Picture Prompt

Today's haiku-story is totally fictitious, written in response to an invitation i received from Hamish Gunn to participate in Ligo Haibun Challenge – Picture Prompt

Tuesday, March 18, 2014


playing solitaire
a bright moon observing
no need to cheat

-- gillena cox

I am blog hopping today at
Ruby Tuesdays Too

Carpe Diem #424, Unpen-ji (temple 66)

Sunday, March 16, 2014


there in the shadows
the shape of thoughts morph themselves
Sunday savvy

--gillena cox

Leprechauns Are Cute Little Elves Stop: right there, turn around slowly, and DROP that picture in your the rest here

A Happy St Patrick's Day to all Lunch Break Fans tomorrow

Sunday Smiles

Today is #97 in the series Sunday Savvy: revisit Sunday Savvy #96 What's your Sunday thought, Sunday wish, Sunday action today about St Patrick's Day? To share with me you can EMAIL me; you can COMMENT; you can enter a LINK from your blog, at the Linky below

This linky list is now closed.

And I am blog hopping today at
Shadow Shot Sunday 2

Carpe Diem Special #82, The Pilgrimage to Santiago De Compostela (part 8) Agape

Recuerda Mi Corazon Post Cards From Paradise

Saturday, March 15, 2014


"book club chats with the author"

'Is America She Gone' by Beverly-Ann Scott

Her style is real, refreshing, compelling and totally absorbing. For those who haven't yet read it, this her second novel, i dare say, is also a 'must read'.
We chatted with Trinidadian author, Dr Beverly-Ann Scott, about her second novel at the Nalis, St James Library this morning. Happy i was there.

slight drizzle...
the curve of my umbrella
nestles in my grip

--gillena cox

revisit 'Questions ' June 2nd 2012

I am blog hopping today at 6WS

Friday, March 14, 2014

Sunday, March 09, 2014


yellow blossoms fall
a March welcoming carpet
Sunday savvy

--gillena cox

the Poui are blooming; Sunday Smiles

Today is #96 in the series Sunday Savvy: revisit Sunday Savvy #95 What's your Sunday thought, Sunday wish, Sunday action today? To share 'Something Sunday' with me, you can EMAIL me; you can COMMENT; you can enter a LINK from your blog, at the Linky below

This linky list is now closed.

And I am blog hopping today at
Shadow Shot Sunday 2

Recuerda Mi Corazon Post Cards From Paradise