church bells
the pace of my steps quicken
slight drizzle
slight drizzle
a congregation gathers
Sunday savvy
-- gillena cox
In those days, in their thirst for water,
the people grumbled against Moses,
saying, “Why did you ever make us leave Egypt?.....
[Reading EX 17:3-7]
Today is the third Sunday of Lent; Sunday Smiles

Today is #98 in the series Sunday Savvy:
revisit Sunday Savvy #97 What's your Sunday thought, Sunday wish, Sunday action today To share with me you can EMAIL me; you can COMMENT; you can enter a LINK from your blog, at the Linky below
Carpe Diem #428, Mandara-ji (temple 72)

Recuerda Mi Corazon Post Cards From Paradise

PPF: Week 2, Year 4


Lovely words.....thank you Gillena.
Happy Sunday!
Both of these seem to me made up of three separate items. What about something like
church bells
on a rainy Sunday
my steps quicken
which gives you the traditional 2-part haiku structure, and a pivot as a bonus.
Lovely Gillena…very spiritual.
Annabelle m..m
Thank you Ruby, happy you dropped in
Much love...
thank you Bill i will take your critique into consideration
Much love...
Happy you dropped by Annabelle
Much love...
Lovely poem!
Happy you dropped in Abigail
Much love...
Hi Gillena. Enjoyed your Haiku, very nice.
Thank you Gloria
Much love...
__"The value of gatherings," face to face, thought to thought, heart to heart, lends credence to__ "stepping away from technology." [from time to time.)
By you, so eell said, Gillena! _m
Always always enjoy dear Gillena
Thank you for sharing your thoughts Magyar
Much love...
Happy you dropped in Lorraine
Much love...
Nice blog ... and thanks for visiting my photoblog!
Lovely words, happy PPF to you dear heart, thanks for visiting my blog. xx
Happy you dropped in Irene
Much love...
Happy you dropped in Soulbrush
Much love...
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