On returning home from my morning walks, i sometimes stop to buy coconutwater from the way side seller. He sell the coconuts from his van. You grab your straw, you tell him if you want just the water nut or the nut with a little jelly. He cuts the top off and your coconut is ready to drink. Cheers!!!
pause for refreshment -
precise coconut cuts from
the way side seller
© gillena cox 2016
coconuts water 2015
Monday Mellow Yellows
ancient Chinese umbrella model...
Must be welcome after a walk.
I love coconut water.
Thanks for dropping by Adelaide
Much love...
So do I Rajesh. Happy you dropped by
Much love...
Harvest market; melons and coconut; the same cart.
__ Just my humble reflection, of your visual verse. _m
thanks for dropping in and sharing Magyar
much love...
Bravo pour ton blog !! Et surtout, merci pour ce contenu qui me fait toujours plaisir!!
voyance gratuite par mail
This blog is so nice to me. I will continue to come here again and again
Good luck
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