Tuesday, December 27, 2016


Merry Christmas Day 3


Welcome to Gifts Of Haiku To Baby Jesus [25th Dec 2016 to 5th Jan 2017] featuring the Christmas carol Little Drummer Boy. It's Lunch Break's NINTH YEAR of celebrating The 12 days of Christmas.

You can ADD your haiku at comments, MESSAGE me EMAIL me OR link a post from your blog during the 12 days. This post will be edited through out the day

This linky list is now closed.

Poems remain the copyright of individual writers

boxing day -
the chirp of a grackle
draws me out
© gillena cox

magi bring gifts
to lay before the King...
truth lights the way
© Pat Geyer

shooting star
i light a candle for
the greatest gift
© Vibeke Laier

this babe like I was
yet so different than me
he’s special,
© Chelle Baratta-Angelini

Tis the season of gifts
merriment and dance
Winter Solstice
© Sanaa Rizvi

[crèche at church this year]

Thanks for sharing a haiku gift

Linked to
Ruby Tuesdays Too

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