Wednesday, April 01, 2020


[this tanka image created using Picsart, Ixora photo gillena cox]

pandemic interlude
what chords shall we
to the tune
of normal life

© gillena cox 2020

1 April 2018
1 April 2016
1 April 2014

Blog hopping today with
Poets and Storytellers United
Weekly Scribblings #13 All The Small Things



Helen said...

How about “OK Minor and Love You Major” ~~~~

Jim said...

Not too much
"normal life" for most.
But for us retired
Seems almost normal life
Save lifeboat for the morrow

rallentanda said...

Cant say about the chords...just dont forget to disinfect the guitar strings :)

Rommy said...

The strumming of our hearts can be heard in distinct ways in times such as these.

Marja said...

Good question. It feels very unsettling

Gillena Cox said...

😊good answer Helen


Gillena Cox said...

Yes if course Jim. What stesses me is this menace hanging over our heads. The solitude and isolation i am accustomed to


Gillena Cox said...

😊yes indeed Rall, we must heed the cautions


Gillena Cox said...

Yes surely we are all in this together. Its a World thing

Much ❤love

Gillena Cox said...

Ah yes Marja, new to so many many of us


Magical Mystical Teacher said...

Oh, Gillena, this is sweet! I can hear the strumming of normalcy, even though you question its existence. As Julian of Norwich said: "All shall be well, and all shall be well, and all manner of things shall be well." Amen.

Gillena Cox said...

Amen, thanks for this confidence Maggie


Jenna said...

I really like this, Gillena. The music of these words continues strumming in my heart, somehow...

Old Egg said...

What is interesting is how the people in different countries react to the crisis. In Australia people are aware of the danger with the government closing down shops, churches and cafes, etc and trying to get people staying home, schools and churches closing, cafes closing and cash transactions frowned on. Group meets are not encouraged at all. In addition borders between states are closed too to most.

Gillena Cox said...

Thanks for your appreciation Jenna


Gillena Cox said...

Same hère and group are narrowed to no more than 5 people. We have to walk with IDs on leaving the house. We csn be questioned as to where we are going or coming from
Thanks for dropping by Robin


Sanaa Rizvi said...

It's unsettling ... but together we will make it through!!💘

Myrna R. said...

Fortunately, I'm an introvert. I love being home and solitude soothes me. I am lucky that way. Life hasn't changed too much, though I do miss the normalcy of being with friends once in a while.

Gillena Cox said...

Thanks for your appreciation Sanaa


Gillena Cox said...

Yes i understand totally. Thanks for dropping by Myrna


Rosemary Nissen-Wade said...

Beautifully put!

Like Myrna, I'm basically an introvert who actually needs a lot of alone time, and my life also has changed little – and friends have been good with phone calls and video chat.

indybev said...

It's pretty much the same here, except for the ID. It boggles my mind how this spread over the entire world in a month's time. Bless you and bless Trinidad. Stay safe.

Gillena Cox said...

Happy you dropped by Rodemary


Gillena Cox said...

Thank you very much Bev

Much❤love said...

Maybe we will have a new normal life, when this storm finally blows over. Stay well.💜💜