
Poets and Storytellers United
Weekly Scribblings #32: I Am Explaining A Few Things
Prompted by Sanaa: Challenge today is to write inspired by the title of Neruda's poem Feel free to address the current world situation, or perhaps delve into a memory of your own. Challenge the reader, surprise us with humor and wit, go solemn and dark or perhaps tender and romantic. The possibilities are endless!
this gift of morning
let me explain a few things -
poems today's joy
alone with bird songs
how could this be you may ask -
that's the way it is
you were meant to be -
always in my heart even
though we are apart
some love stories stretch
the imagination to -
a span of azure
so today i cheer-
happy anniversary
sans regret to me
come morning sunlight -
this used to be our home
now its called my home
© gillena cox 2020
12 August 2018
12 August 2017
12 August 2016
An August 12th signpost: Married to Anthony Cox for 49 years today [BUT] living alone

This is incredibly poignant, Gillena! Especially like; "some love stories stretch
the imagination to - a span of azure." Thank you so much for adding your voice to the prompt!💝
Thank you for dropping by to read mine Sanaa
"...used to be our home..."
way to end. Great work, GC.
Thanks for dropping by Ron
There is alway some sadness in our lives unless we are incredibly lucky but sadly that is life and we have to make the most of it while we can.
Thank you for your appreciation Robin
A beautiful poem and beautiful art, Gillena!
Nice Haiku set, Gillena. Been there, done that too, wearing the other shoe. She and the kids stayed, i had to leave. The new guy and another hed to leave too, her 4th met her bill. But you are right, love lasts longer than the half empty home.
BTW, my 2nd and I have been married 47 years now.
~~~ a work of honesty, beautifully penned.
Thanks for your appreciation Bev
😊happy you dropped by Jim
Thanks for your appreciation Helen
Beautiful picture and wonderful words...great job.
Thanks for dropping by Deann
it's good to know you have claimed it ~
This prompt is certainly inspiring all the romanticism! I love how yours is laced with calm acceptance and finding the joy in that.
Thanks for dropping by Grapeling
Thanks for your appreciation Rosemary
Beautiful in image and words
Happy you dropped by Susie
I really like this, Gillena! Especially:
some love stories stretch
the imagination to -
a span of azure
Thanks for your appreciation Jenna
Simply beautiful, Gillena. Bravo.
Thanks for your appreciation Taluula
Hurrah for love stories that expand our horizons.
Thanks for dropping by Rommy
Beautiful, Gillena, with a perfect ending.
Thanks for dropping by Sara
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