Wednesday, November 25, 2020


I had no black
so i paint the hair yellow
self portrait
my granddaughter's masterpiece
and her candid narrative

a plate of french fries
why leave the excess ketchup
food of the Gods surely
the taste of only ketchup
I breath again innocence

flower petals float
in a bowl of water
pre covid days
this mild infusing of
fragrance and a child's joy
© gillena cox 2020





Its Day 64 of 100 Days of Christmas here in T&T at FM Sweet 100 Radio Station

Here in T&T our celebration focus is THE GATHERING - a Sweet 100 yearly charity event
this year it will be virtual on November 29th

ENJOY THE MUSIC: Singing Francine - Hurray Hurrah



Old Egg said...

It is so frustrating that the Covid crisis has lasted so long and more lives are lost. Keep safe and lets hope 2021 will be the year of changing back to normal.

Gillena Cox said...

Thanks for dropping by Robin


Rosemary Nissen-Wade said...

A delight! (Both painting and poem.)

Jae Rose said...

What a wonderful memory

Ron. Lavalette said...

delicious, GC

Gillena Cox said...

Thanks for dropping by Rosemary


Gillena Cox said...

Thanks for dropping by Jae


Gillena Cox said...

Thanks for dropping by Ron


indybev said...

A beautiful child, reminding us of the wonders of innocence.

Gillena Cox said...

Thanks for dropping by Bev


Helen said...

Art and poetry, warmed my heart this chilly morning .... cheers.

Gillena Cox said...

Thanks for dropping by Helen


Lisa said...

That's so lovely. Both are, the poem and the painting. "The taste of only ketchup" made me laugh! How many adults would allow it? But, why not? It's basically gelled tomato soup, right?

Lori said...

How sweet the scene from a child's eyes. Her self portrait is beautiful, and who doesn't love a plate of fries with ketchup. Such simple moments create such a picture of peace.

Jim said...

I like this one, it fits me. Your "why leave the excess ketchup" reminds me once when we took our two oldest grandaughter to Nebraska on a visit to my parents. We had stopped in the morning at a Macdonald's for breakfast. The each had pancakes with two containers of syrup but each only ate one. So brave me, I took a straw and sucked up all the remaining syrup. They still remember that morning, they were sooo shocked at my show.

Kim M. Russell said...

I love this, Gillena, the poem, self-portrait, comment, and the photograph of your lovely granddaughter. I remember wiping excess ketchup with my finger and licking it – a child’s delight. And I love the image of petals in a bowl of water – I bet they’re sweet-smelling.

Jenna said...

This made me smile, as did your granddaughter's self-portrait. :) The lines, "The taste of only ketchup /
I breath again innocence" reminded me of myself, when my family would go out to a fast-food place. I always got a ton of ketchup!

Gillena Cox said...

☺happy you dropped by Lisa


Gillena Cox said...

Happy you dropped by Lori


Gillena Cox said...

😁thanks for dropping by Jim


Gillena Cox said...

Happy you dropped by Kim


Gillena Cox said...

Happy you dropped by Jenna

Much🖤love said...

That painting put a smile on a lately-depressed looking face. Thanks, Gillena!