Today Feb 11th is my birthday; i'm coughing, sneezing, headachy; but its my birthday, the day i like second best to Christmas day; the day i reaffirm in the words of Descartes "ergo". Thanks to all who sent me greetings; much love in return
Visitors, friends, e-pals welcome to my online birthday party
celebrating life
morning prayer
sweep of
the street cleaner's broom-
first sounds
first feathered call-
crowing of the roosters
in the distance
somnambulant cooo
cooo of pigeons-
morning light
my thoughts expand into
haiku to you
-gillena cox; TT
happy birthday
love circles
around you
live aloha
shanna; Hawaii
Gillena: For the birthday special, I send this haiku inspired by a friend who received her husband safely back from his second tour of duty in Iraq.
this year’s gift of love
getting him back from Iraq
she needs no other
Reason A. Poteet, USA, IN
birthday love
crossing my computer screen
february sunshine
an'ya; US
bright stars twinkling
in the great blue sky
~birthday festival
Happy birthday, Gillena
Keith Simmonds; TT
Happy Birthday to you, my friend!

May you have all the love and blessings possible today.
Michelle Rose; US
Hihippity hop
Hoppy hoppy birthday too
Having rarebit stew
Que; US
Hi G:
Happy birthday from me to you.
Anthony OConnor; CA
Thanks for the gift of your site-
I found something most useful
for my "budding" writing career.
Many happy returns, darlin'!
Willie-- **WHCworkshop
Hippo bird deer doe ewe
Hippo bird deer doe ewe
Hippo bird deer deer Gillena
Hippo bird deer doe ewe
Jim; CA
birthday party-
a string of haiku
garners the day
-gillena cox ; TT
Thanks to all of you who sent greetings by email, and posted at comments; you made my day special.
**WHCworkshop - a yahoo poetry group
Happy Birthday, dear Gillena!
Happy Birthday to you!
And get well soon!
birthday cake
the last piece
for tomorrow
a sring of pearls
encircle your being
this natal day
Sandy Vrooman
Happy birthday Gillena, we just wish you felt better_!
day of arrival
to hold dear the past
with forward steps
Gillena ~
sweet dreams come true
and gifts for your birthday
will be good health and happiness
Carol Raisfeld
sick on your birthday
somewhere in the world
it must be good luck
Good luck, Gillena.
may every day
be your birthday ...
your new today ...
GABI from Japan
happy birthday Gillena
Thanks for making my birthday special
much love
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