Maxfield Parrish art is from...
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dawn birds
i've lost
my joy
--gillena cox
the angels guard
your next giant leap
with wings of praise
--Reason A Poteet, US IN
joyful birds of Jesus
fly to my friend
gentle her with your peace
Michelle Rose, US
Silenced birdsong
In the dark overcast
Muffled church hymns
--Michael Baribeau, US
in daybreak's
quotidian bird songs
a resurrection
--gillena cox, TT
'Daybreak' - a spontaneous renku Nov 7-Nov 8, 2010
Very nice sets, Gillena...nice art as well :)
just started
my day and these
Best wishes
very relaxing picture, but why you lost your joy?
A certain mystery in this art, so well supported by the verses. _m
yes indeed lovely set...
Thanks all for stopping by
Ralf thanks for the renku verse
Andrzej anger and frustration can steal ones joy, but prayer heals and restores
much love
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