Opening image © gillena cox 2011
MERRY CHRISTMAS and Welcome to the FOURTH YEAR'S celebration OF 'The 12 days of Christmas at Lunch Break' Thank you for celebrating with me
All the prose (ie. story of) 'Anansi and The Twelve Days of Christmas' © gillena cox 2011
..."so tired, hungry, dont think i could go much further, i miss my wife, i miss my children so very much ;"
(for Anansi was what we Trinis call a 'family man'); Anansi loved his family dearly and could not bear to be away from them for very long. All around him was dense lush greenery, he heard the sounds of strange birds and animals, all for the very first time. And he thought to himself
"if i could only reach the coastline i could start webbing and swing across the Atlantic Ocean"
Meanwhile, Mrs Anansi in the family car,continued singing;
"on the sixth day of Christmas, my true love gave to meeee...six geese a-laying... five gooold rings.........four colly birds...three french hens...two turtle doves and a partridge in a pear treeeeee" .
Meanwhile in the USA as reported by Dian Mayr
migrating geese
honking through the carols
Christmas morning

--And in Romania as reported by Cristina-Monica Moldoveanu
Christmas frost -
a blue star stranded
in the fir tree

--And in Germany as reported by Ralf Bröker
the last bottle
of this pack
she hides his key

--And in Trinidad and Tobago as reported by Keith Simmonds
a smiling vagrant
retrieves a Santa Claus cap
from an old dustbin
calypso music
competes with Christmas carols...
carnival coming
Many religious observers ascribe the six geese a-laying as symbolic for The six days of Creation
more aboutThe 12 days of Christmas
Listen to the song here
revisit The 2010/11 Celebration Finale here
Poems and images; remain the copyright of the individual contributors
To participate COMMENT or e-mail me
Kids Track Santa On Google Earth
Relator - Christmas on Sesame Street

Back together
stretch lines
Hi Lorraine thank you for sharing; i'll include it in tomorrow's episode
much love...
I love these Christmas haiku from around the world. The collection creates a nice synergy -- even though we are all so different, we can come together around central themes!
Thank you Kelly for remembering to drop in, for the celebration; Wishing you joy especially at this time; and Best Wishes for 2012
much love...
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