Scarlet Macaw image from...
MERRY CHRISTMAS and Welcome to the FOURTH YEAR'S celebration OF 'The 12 days of Christmas at Lunch Break' Thank you for celebrating with me
All the prose (ie. story of) 'Anansi and The Twelve Days of Christmas' © gillena cox 2011
He jumped off his bed dancing wildly and shouting
"i'm at home, i'm at home";
then, he paused for a while, he scratched his spidery head,
"but how could this be? he said to himself ."
For the last thing Anansi remembered, he had packed his backpack and was headed back to Africa on a trek through the rainforests of Latin America, with the hope of webbing and swinging all the way across The Atlantic. Oh yes, Anansi the Spider man had decieded to follow his heart, fullfill his dream, reach for his star. Meanwhile downstairs the voice of Mrs Anansi loud and clear is filling the Anansi home
"On the third day of Christmas, my true love gave to meeee...three french hens...two turtle doves and a partridge in a pear treeeeee" .
Meanwhile in Germany as reported by Ralf Bröker
each light
in every arm

--And in Tinidad and Tobago as reported by Keith Simmonds
strings of bright lights
all around the houses :
every heart throbbing

--And in Romania as reported by Cristina-Monica Moldoveanu
every Christmas
the old maid remembers
"The little match girl"

Meanwhile in Canada as reported by Lorraine Renaud
on my face
Many religious observers ascribe the Three French hens as symbolic for The three kings bearing gifts - Faith, Hope and Charity
more about The 12 days of Christmas
Listen to the Carol here
revisit The 2010/11 Celebration Finale here
Poems and images; remain the copyright of the individual contributors
To participate COMMENT or e-mail me
Kids Track Santa On Google Earth
Scarlet Macaw
Listen to Machel Montano - Soca Santa

on my face
Hi Lorraine, thank you for sharing a haiku; am editing to include today
much love...
Such a wonderful project! I really enjoy reading all the contributions :)
Hi Frieda, so happy you stopped by
much love...
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