Thursday, January 31, 2013
Monday, January 28, 2013
Sunday, January 27, 2013
wolf moon
the city lullabied..
Sunday savvy
--gillena cox
Full Moon names date back to Native Americans, of what is now the northern and eastern United States. The tribes kept track of the seasons by giving distinctive names to each recurring full Moon. Their names were applied to the entire month in which each occurred. There was some variation in the Moon names, but in general, the same ones were current throughout the Algonquin tribes from New England to Lake Superior. European settlers followed that custom and created some of their own names. Since the lunar month is only 29 days long on the average, the full Moon dates shift from year to year. Here is the Farmers Almanac’s list of the full Moon names.
• Full Wolf Moon – January Amid the cold and deep snows of midwinter, the wolf packs
howled hungrily outside Indian villages. Thus, the name for January’s full Moon. Sometimes it was also referred to as the Old Moon, or the Moon After Yule. Some called it the Full Snow Moon, but most tribes applied that name to the next Moon.
St James Trinidad, is a district of Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago, once dubbed as "the city that never sleeps..."
Sunday Smiles
Today is #56 in the series Sunday Savvy i invite you to share a Sunday something of yours email me or post a COMMENT revisit Sunday Savvy 55
-- Bill says
wolf moon
up and down the avenue
the howling wind
-- Adelaide says
Sunday afternoon
a week of rest
before the big game
I make plans of what to do
until next season
-- Doug says
wolf moon
these shadows in the snow
Tree limbs, the whiskers?
tag 1 Shadow Shot Sunday
tag 2 One Single Expression
tag 3 Kaleidoscope Sunday
tag 4 Sunday Scribblings
tag 5 Sunday Whirl

the city lullabied..
Sunday savvy
--gillena cox
Full Moon names date back to Native Americans, of what is now the northern and eastern United States. The tribes kept track of the seasons by giving distinctive names to each recurring full Moon. Their names were applied to the entire month in which each occurred. There was some variation in the Moon names, but in general, the same ones were current throughout the Algonquin tribes from New England to Lake Superior. European settlers followed that custom and created some of their own names. Since the lunar month is only 29 days long on the average, the full Moon dates shift from year to year. Here is the Farmers Almanac’s list of the full Moon names.
• Full Wolf Moon – January Amid the cold and deep snows of midwinter, the wolf packs
howled hungrily outside Indian villages. Thus, the name for January’s full Moon. Sometimes it was also referred to as the Old Moon, or the Moon After Yule. Some called it the Full Snow Moon, but most tribes applied that name to the next Moon.
St James Trinidad, is a district of Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago, once dubbed as "the city that never sleeps..."
Sunday Smiles
Today is #56 in the series Sunday Savvy i invite you to share a Sunday something of yours email me or post a COMMENT revisit Sunday Savvy 55
-- Bill says
wolf moon
up and down the avenue
the howling wind
-- Adelaide says
Sunday afternoon
a week of rest
before the big game
I make plans of what to do
until next season
-- Doug says
wolf moon
these shadows in the snow
Tree limbs, the whiskers?
tag 1 Shadow Shot Sunday
tag 2 One Single Expression
tag 3 Kaleidoscope Sunday
tag 4 Sunday Scribblings
tag 5 Sunday Whirl

Friday, January 25, 2013
Thursday, January 24, 2013
Wednesday, January 23, 2013
image from Healing Into Wholeness
Went to the funeral today of a dear departed one, Father Henry Charles (1944-2013); God's perpetual light shine upon him; rest in peace dear Father Henry Charles.
quietly a bird
from beam to beam...
funeral mass
--gillena cox
Went to the funeral today of a dear departed one, Father Henry Charles (1944-2013); God's perpetual light shine upon him; rest in peace dear Father Henry Charles.
quietly a bird
from beam to beam...
funeral mass
--gillena cox
Monday, January 21, 2013
Sunday, January 20, 2013
lying on my side
one ear full of Kiskadeee
Sunday savvy
--gillena cox
Wikipedia Kiskadee image
song and call the Kiskadee bird LISTEN
Do not let Sunday be taken from you If your soul has no Sunday, it becomes an orphan.
--Albert Schweitzer
Sunday Smiles
Today is #55 in the series Sunday Savvy i invite you to share a Sunday something of yours email me or post a COMMENT revisit Sunday Savvy 54
-- Adelaide said
river walk
children chasing gulls
chasing children
Sunday tag 1 Patrick Fetu
Love Story tag 2 Magical Mystical Teacher
tag 3 Shadow Shot Sunday
tag 4 One Single Expression
tag 5 Sunday Scribblings
tag 6 Sunday Whirl
tag 7 Kaleidoscope Sunday

one ear full of Kiskadeee
Sunday savvy
--gillena cox
Wikipedia Kiskadee image
song and call the Kiskadee bird LISTEN
Do not let Sunday be taken from you If your soul has no Sunday, it becomes an orphan.
--Albert Schweitzer
Sunday Smiles
Today is #55 in the series Sunday Savvy i invite you to share a Sunday something of yours email me or post a COMMENT revisit Sunday Savvy 54
-- Adelaide said
river walk
children chasing gulls
chasing children
Sunday tag 1 Patrick Fetu
Love Story tag 2 Magical Mystical Teacher
tag 3 Shadow Shot Sunday
tag 4 One Single Expression
tag 5 Sunday Scribblings
tag 6 Sunday Whirl
tag 7 Kaleidoscope Sunday

Friday, January 18, 2013
Thursday, January 17, 2013
Tuesday, January 15, 2013
Monday, January 14, 2013
Sunday, January 13, 2013
snap of the host
at the altar broken for us...
Sunday Savvy
--gillena cox
Today at Holy Mass we remember The Baptism of Jesus; when he received the Messianic appointment from God his father in heaven in the presence of John the Baptizer and others.
"You are my son, the Beloved, my favor rests on you"
our reading of the Gospel is from Luke chapter3 verses 15-16 and 21-22
Sunday Smiles
Today is #54 in the series Sunday Savvy i invite you to share a Sunday something of yours email me or post a COMMENT revisit Sunday Savvy 53
tag 1 Shadow Shot Sunday
tag 2 One Single Expression
tag 3 Kaleidoscope Sunday
tag 4 Lovely Sunday Quotes

Saturday, January 12, 2013
Friday, January 11, 2013
image from google
My book club regrouped yesterday, our first tea morning for the new year; an agenda of book talk and well wishes; we discussed the time worn novel by Braithwaithe To Sir With Love
apple cinnamon
flavors ...
conversations at
our book club meet
--gillena cox
sharings yesterday 20130110 at Yay Words
My book club regrouped yesterday, our first tea morning for the new year; an agenda of book talk and well wishes; we discussed the time worn novel by Braithwaithe To Sir With Love
apple cinnamon
flavors ...
conversations at
our book club meet
--gillena cox
sharings yesterday 20130110 at Yay Words
Wednesday, January 09, 2013
Monday, January 07, 2013
Sunday, January 06, 2013
Sunday savvy...
new calendars fastened
with old push-pins
--gillena cox
...The first Sunday for the year; celebrating the Epiphany, the three wise men, having followed the star, arrive at the Bethlehem stable and pay homage to Jesus.
Wishing all my Lunch Break friends the joy of good purpose and achievements in 2013
Sunday Smiles
Today is #53 in the series Sunday Savvy i invite you to share a Sunday something of yours email me or post a COMMENT revisit Sunday Savvy 52
tag 1 Shadow Shot Sunday
tag 2 One Single Expression

new calendars fastened
with old push-pins
--gillena cox
...The first Sunday for the year; celebrating the Epiphany, the three wise men, having followed the star, arrive at the Bethlehem stable and pay homage to Jesus.
Wishing all my Lunch Break friends the joy of good purpose and achievements in 2013
Sunday Smiles
Today is #53 in the series Sunday Savvy i invite you to share a Sunday something of yours email me or post a COMMENT revisit Sunday Savvy 52
tag 1 Shadow Shot Sunday
tag 2 One Single Expression

Saturday, January 05, 2013
--image from google
the drizzle dissipates -
scent of pink roses
--gillena cox
fog over the roofs –
my new diary’s paper
-- Stella Pierides
sleeping through
the silence of snow
waking with the plough
-- Adelaide
wrapped up
in this Christmas gift, too
his love for me
packing away
the Christmas decorations...
another year without her
--Kirsten Cliff
sweet steelpan sounds
rehearsing day and night
carnival coming
--Keith Simmonds
moral hearts
bar the paths of evil
twelve days

Anansi image © gillena cox 2011
...Well; like i said before, and i'm saying again, it was an unusually rainy December, when, Anansi awoke one morning in an unusually bad mood, or so he thought. Anyways; it was an unusually cold kitchen (in the tropical island of Trinidad) in which cooking oil slowed to an eeire hot stillness in the large family frying pot, or so he thought, into which the radiant Mrs Anansi was dropping evenly formed bits of white flour dough, making fried bakes, or so he thought; for he the unusually grumpy Anansi didn't feel like getting out of bed even to have breakfast, or so he thought. And this is how it all started...THE END
(story of) 'Anansi - An Unusual Experience' © gillena cox 2012
My inspiration for writing 'Anansi - An Unusual Experience' came from reading, and viewing so many movie variations, of A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens
revisit 5 Jan 2012
Inspiration for this series The Twelve Days of Christmas Carol
more about Anansi
Today ends the FIFTH YEAR'S celebration of 'The 12 days of Christmas here at Lunch Break'
Thank you for celebrating with me 25 December 2012 to 5 January 2013.
Wishing the love and warmth of family and friends.
Till next CHRISTMAS; HAPPY NEW YEAR !!! and "may God bless us All"
All poems and images remain the copyright of individual writers
Many thanks again to my 2012/13 posse:-
Adelaide Shaw, US
Cara Holman, US
Chris Dominiczak, UK
Christine L Villa, US
Diane Mayr, US
Frank Williams, UK
Fred Masarani, US
Gheorghe Postelnicu, Romania
Keith Simmonds, Trinidad and Tobago
Kirsten Cliff, New Zealand
Lorraine Renaud, Canada
Magyar, US
Pat Geyer, US
Ralf Bröker, Germany
Stella Pierides, Germany
Tatjana Debeljacki, Serbia
*•. ¸*•.¸*•.¸*•. *•.¸ ¸.•*¸.•*¸.•*¸.•*¸.•*
*... *...*...**...* HAPPY NEW YEAR*...*...*
Thank you for celebrating with me*...**...*...*
much love.....gillena*...**...*...**...**...*...*
¸.•* ¸.•*¸.•* ¸.•*¸.•* *•.¸*•.¸*•.¸*•.¸*•

the drizzle dissipates -
scent of pink roses
--gillena cox
fog over the roofs –
my new diary’s paper
-- Stella Pierides
sleeping through
the silence of snow
waking with the plough
-- Adelaide
wrapped up
in this Christmas gift, too
his love for me
packing away
the Christmas decorations...
another year without her
--Kirsten Cliff
sweet steelpan sounds
rehearsing day and night
carnival coming
--Keith Simmonds
moral hearts
bar the paths of evil
twelve days

Anansi image © gillena cox 2011
...Well; like i said before, and i'm saying again, it was an unusually rainy December, when, Anansi awoke one morning in an unusually bad mood, or so he thought. Anyways; it was an unusually cold kitchen (in the tropical island of Trinidad) in which cooking oil slowed to an eeire hot stillness in the large family frying pot, or so he thought, into which the radiant Mrs Anansi was dropping evenly formed bits of white flour dough, making fried bakes, or so he thought; for he the unusually grumpy Anansi didn't feel like getting out of bed even to have breakfast, or so he thought. And this is how it all started...THE END
(story of) 'Anansi - An Unusual Experience' © gillena cox 2012
My inspiration for writing 'Anansi - An Unusual Experience' came from reading, and viewing so many movie variations, of A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens
revisit 5 Jan 2012
Inspiration for this series The Twelve Days of Christmas Carol
more about Anansi
Today ends the FIFTH YEAR'S celebration of 'The 12 days of Christmas here at Lunch Break'
Thank you for celebrating with me 25 December 2012 to 5 January 2013.
Wishing the love and warmth of family and friends.
Till next CHRISTMAS; HAPPY NEW YEAR !!! and "may God bless us All"
All poems and images remain the copyright of individual writers
Many thanks again to my 2012/13 posse:-
Adelaide Shaw, US
Cara Holman, US
Chris Dominiczak, UK
Christine L Villa, US
Diane Mayr, US
Frank Williams, UK
Fred Masarani, US
Gheorghe Postelnicu, Romania
Keith Simmonds, Trinidad and Tobago
Kirsten Cliff, New Zealand
Lorraine Renaud, Canada
Magyar, US
Pat Geyer, US
Ralf Bröker, Germany
Stella Pierides, Germany
Tatjana Debeljacki, Serbia
*•. ¸*•.¸*•.¸*•. *•.¸ ¸.•*¸.•*¸.•*¸.•*¸.•*
*... *...*...**...* HAPPY NEW YEAR*...*...*
Thank you for celebrating with me*...**...*...*
much love.....gillena*...**...*...**...**...*...*
¸.•* ¸.•*¸.•* ¸.•*¸.•* *•.¸*•.¸*•.¸*•.¸*•

Anansy story,
folk tale,
New Year,
New Zealand,
Trinidad and Tobago,
Friday, January 04, 2013
Christmas carols...
two grackles linger between
the melodies
--gillena cox
Christmas morning...
lusty voices belting out
hymns of joy and peace
--Keith Simmonds
in every room
threads of tinsel
--Kirsten Cliff
..."It was indeed, a night so Holy. Wind thank you for lifting my spirits, thank you for taking me back to the true meaning of Christmas"
Said a humbled happy Anansi, smiling from air to air, looking around for Wind.
"Wind, Wind, Winnnnnd",
but there was no Wind,only a very contented Anansi...(continues tomorrow)
(story of) 'Anansi - An Unusual Experience' © gillena cox 2012

Anansi image © gillena cox 2011
Tomorrow ends the FIFTH YEAR'S celebration of 'The 12 days
of Christmas here at Lunch Break' Thank you for celebrating with me
Wishing the love and warmth of family and friends MERRY CHRISTMAS AND
One more day; Lets do this; the 12 days of Christmas at Lunch Break Dec 25 to January 5th; to join in the celebration email me or post a COMMENT
revisit 4 Jan 2012
Inspiration for this series The Twelve
Days of Christmas Carol
more about Anansi
All poems and images remain the copyright of individual writers

two grackles linger between
the melodies
--gillena cox
Christmas morning...
lusty voices belting out
hymns of joy and peace
--Keith Simmonds
in every room
threads of tinsel
--Kirsten Cliff
..."It was indeed, a night so Holy. Wind thank you for lifting my spirits, thank you for taking me back to the true meaning of Christmas"
Said a humbled happy Anansi, smiling from air to air, looking around for Wind.
"Wind, Wind, Winnnnnd",
but there was no Wind,only a very contented Anansi...(continues tomorrow)
(story of) 'Anansi - An Unusual Experience' © gillena cox 2012

Anansi image © gillena cox 2011
Tomorrow ends the FIFTH YEAR'S celebration of 'The 12 days
of Christmas here at Lunch Break' Thank you for celebrating with me
Wishing the love and warmth of family and friends MERRY CHRISTMAS AND
One more day; Lets do this; the 12 days of Christmas at Lunch Break Dec 25 to January 5th; to join in the celebration email me or post a COMMENT
revisit 4 Jan 2012
Inspiration for this series The Twelve
Days of Christmas Carol
more about Anansi
All poems and images remain the copyright of individual writers

Thursday, January 03, 2013
image from google
late Christmas card
call of a peacock
in the distance
--Kirsten Cliff
soft breath of God
whispers to my heart and soul
a Son is born today
--Pat Geyer
...Gently, gently, gently Anansi felt himself being landed; As Wind opened slightly the door of a stable, no one looked around, the door was opened so quietly. And there it was Anansi saw : oxen, donkey, sheep, cattle all lying in sweet hay, some munching, some not; and the same three unusually dressed men, presenting their gifts to... and this is when Anansi squealed with delight "baby Jesus and Mary and Joseph and shepheds". Anansi clapped his hands for joy and did a happy dance, but no one looked around, no one saw or heard Anansi; but everyone heard angels singing, Joy to the world let earth receive her King.... (continues tomorrow)
(story of) 'Anansi - An Unusual Experience' © gillena cox 2012

Anansi image © gillena cox 2011
A star twinkles on
a child in a manger …
the Prince of peace
a tiny Infant
from the humblest of abodes
peace and love to all
--Keith Simmonds
Welcome to the FIFTH YEAR'S celebration of 'The 12 days of Christmas here at Lunch Break' Thank you for celebrating with me
Wishing the love and warmth of family and friends MERRY CHRISTMAS AND HAPPY NEW YEAR !!!
Christmas Eve
of long agos
I still cry
'O Holy night
Lets do this; the 12 days of Christmas at Lunch Break Dec 25 to January 5th; join in the celebration email me or post a COMMENT
revisit 3 Jan 2012
Inspiration for this series The Twelve Days of Christmas Carol
more about Anansi
All poems and images remain the copyright of individual writers

late Christmas card
call of a peacock
in the distance
--Kirsten Cliff
soft breath of God
whispers to my heart and soul
a Son is born today
--Pat Geyer
...Gently, gently, gently Anansi felt himself being landed; As Wind opened slightly the door of a stable, no one looked around, the door was opened so quietly. And there it was Anansi saw : oxen, donkey, sheep, cattle all lying in sweet hay, some munching, some not; and the same three unusually dressed men, presenting their gifts to... and this is when Anansi squealed with delight "baby Jesus and Mary and Joseph and shepheds". Anansi clapped his hands for joy and did a happy dance, but no one looked around, no one saw or heard Anansi; but everyone heard angels singing, Joy to the world let earth receive her King.... (continues tomorrow)
(story of) 'Anansi - An Unusual Experience' © gillena cox 2012

Anansi image © gillena cox 2011
A star twinkles on
a child in a manger …
the Prince of peace
a tiny Infant
from the humblest of abodes
peace and love to all
--Keith Simmonds
Welcome to the FIFTH YEAR'S celebration of 'The 12 days of Christmas here at Lunch Break' Thank you for celebrating with me
Wishing the love and warmth of family and friends MERRY CHRISTMAS AND HAPPY NEW YEAR !!!
Christmas Eve
of long agos
I still cry
'O Holy night
Lets do this; the 12 days of Christmas at Lunch Break Dec 25 to January 5th; join in the celebration email me or post a COMMENT
revisit 3 Jan 2012
Inspiration for this series The Twelve Days of Christmas Carol
more about Anansi
All poems and images remain the copyright of individual writers

Anansy story,
folk tale,
New Year,
New Zealand,
Trinidad and Tobago,
Wednesday, January 02, 2013
image--Gheorghe Postelnicu
Welcome to the FIFTH YEAR'S celebration of 'The 12 days of Christmas here at Lunch Break' Thank you for celebrating with me
Wishing the love and warmth of family and friends MERRY CHRISTMAS AND HAPPY NEW YEAR !!!
our dogs
join singing ...
but where is Baby Jesus?
--Ralf Bröker
Let me be
Your Christmas
Your shiny stars
I love you Jesus
...Anansi, from trillions of night clouds above, craned his neck this way and that. He thought he saw a sign. Yes it was. A neon sign which read "Bethlehem Ephrath - stable about 2 to 3 swoooshes away"... (continues tomorrow)
(story of) 'Anansi - An Unusual Experience' © gillena cox 2012

Anansi image © gillena cox 2011
Three wise men journey
to the east to discover
the light of the world
--Keith Simmonds
rainy Christmas
an umbrella to shelter...
what of the homeless
--gillena cox
in the company of the homeless---
nuns serve
Christmas dinner
Fred Masarani
memories –
mere repentance
throught the fog
--Tatjana Debeljacki
first dream of the year--
i wake not knowing
which way is up
--Kirsten Cliff
Lets do this; the 12 days of Christmas at Lunch Break Dec 25 to January 5th; join in the celebration email me or post a COMMENT
revisit 2 Jan 2012
Inspiration for this series The Twelve Days of Christmas Carol
more about Anansi
All poems and images remain the copyright of individual writers

Welcome to the FIFTH YEAR'S celebration of 'The 12 days of Christmas here at Lunch Break' Thank you for celebrating with me
Wishing the love and warmth of family and friends MERRY CHRISTMAS AND HAPPY NEW YEAR !!!
our dogs
join singing ...
but where is Baby Jesus?
--Ralf Bröker
Let me be
Your Christmas
Your shiny stars
I love you Jesus
...Anansi, from trillions of night clouds above, craned his neck this way and that. He thought he saw a sign. Yes it was. A neon sign which read "Bethlehem Ephrath - stable about 2 to 3 swoooshes away"... (continues tomorrow)
(story of) 'Anansi - An Unusual Experience' © gillena cox 2012

Anansi image © gillena cox 2011
Three wise men journey
to the east to discover
the light of the world
--Keith Simmonds
rainy Christmas
an umbrella to shelter...
what of the homeless
--gillena cox
in the company of the homeless---
nuns serve
Christmas dinner
Fred Masarani
memories –
mere repentance
throught the fog
--Tatjana Debeljacki
first dream of the year--
i wake not knowing
which way is up
--Kirsten Cliff
Lets do this; the 12 days of Christmas at Lunch Break Dec 25 to January 5th; join in the celebration email me or post a COMMENT
revisit 2 Jan 2012
Inspiration for this series The Twelve Days of Christmas Carol
more about Anansi
All poems and images remain the copyright of individual writers

Anansy story,
folk tale,
New Year,
Trinidad and Tobago,
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