an April wind
bellying window drapes...
Sunday savvy
--gillena cox
April starts on the same day of the week as July in all years, and January in leap years. April ends on the same day of the week as December every year.
Its the first Sunday of April 2013
Sunday Smiles
Today is #65 in the series Sunday Savvy What's happening today, let me know... email me or post a COMMENT revisit Sunday Savvy 64
Tag 1 One Single Expression
tag 2 Shadow Shot Sunday
tag 3 Kaleidoscope Sunday
tag 4 Sunday Scribblings
tag 5 Lovely Sunday Quotes
tag 6 Sunday Whirl
tag 7 Issa's Sunday Service
tag 8 Sunday In My City

Ah, glad April finally has come with new growth and warmer temperatures. I am glad winter is slipping away. You Haiku paints a picture of new seasons.
Yes, it's getting warmer. Nice one.
A April wind, I've to be back to last year's
Loch Rob welcome to Lunch Break
much love...
glad you stopped by Anthony
much love...
Lorraine hope your weather warms up soon
much love...
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