They seem to be everywhere, holding their trophies for distribution, stopping passersby to engage in instructional chat. Responses they receive are not always kind, yet they keep at it, day in day out. Who are they? Salvation they state is written in the pages of a holy book. Are there keys to the locked gates at Paradise?
they fly up as if prompted...
pigeons in the park
--gillena cox
Linking today to Five-Sentence Fiction AND Thursday's Challenge AND Share The Joy Thursday

Delicious pigeons in the park, very nice photo!
What a serene scene! Lovely!
Leovi thank you for visiting
much love...
glad you stopped by Kim
much love...
Lovely, Gillena.
Thank you Maggie
much love...
And the song, "Poisoning Pigeons in the Park" comes to mind! Sorry, it just does.
Wonderful entry!
Mine: http://kindredspirit23.wordpress.com/2013/10/24/fsf-five-sentence-fiction-determination-102413-strength-of-will-rated-pg/
You have make a beautiful photo!
Greetings, RW & SK
Wonderful words. I enjoy watching pigeons in the park.
I love this so much, I'd never shoo them away, maybe take their photos...:)
Hi Scot, pigeons can be a nuisance; will visit, thanks for leaving your link
much love...
thanks for visiting
much love...
happy you stopped by Hazel
much love...
Lorraine, happy to stopped by
much love...
Thanks Dina
much love...
I love birds. pigeons are daily visitors in my garden. Lovely picture.
Thanks for dropping in Kati
much love...
pigeons circle back
to their starting point
our quarrel
Thanks for sharing Bill
much love...
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