Wednesday, January 01, 2014


'The Nativity' by Rudolph Valentino Bostic



The SIXTH YEAR'S celebration of 'The 12 days of Christmas here at Lunch Break' continues(Jan 1st - Jan 5th). Thank you for celebrating with me. Wishing YOU a a bright and prosperous NEW YEAR. More on The Twelve Days Of Christmas lyrics,music, meaning

clip art courtesy Wikipedia

Welcoming the New Year out in the street where i live, St James Trinidad

coolness of pre-dawn
sound of the new year
masked by fire crackers

--gillena cox

(And so our story continues from December 25th 2013 posting)

WHAT'S ANANCY UP TO NOW! © gillena cox
Well! a good two hours or so had passed, without Anancy returning, and Mrs Anancy continued humming though her baking was finished. on the sixth day of Christmas my true love gave to me la la la la la la la...on the seventh day of Christmas my true love gave to me la la la la la la la...on the eighth day of Christmas my true love gave to me la la la la la la la...on the ninth day of Christmas my true love gave to me la la la la la la la...on the tenth day of Christmas my true love gave to me la la la la la la la...on the eleventh day of Christmas my true love gave to me la la la la la la la....
In her Christmas reverie she headed for the living room striding towards the Christmas tree. What's this? Is she planning to string popcorn to the tree?

Well! meanwhile, Anancy, having tripped, and rolled, about three times in the dark, thought he heard crickets and cicadas laughing at him. "Silly Anancy" he though he heard them saying. "The three magi traveled, far and wide, days and nights, to bring gifts to the baby Jesus where his mother had laid him in the manger". "Silly Anancy chirarr chirarr"

Oh no i'm imagining things, thought Anancy; dont crickets and cicadas sleep this time of night? And he continued moving through the bush. "Silly Anancy" he though he heard them saying again. Didn't Saint Nicholas leave gifts and offerings to children long long long long time ago when he was alive? "Silly Anancy chirarr chirarr" sounded again.

Poor Anansi, by then he had gotten to his favourite rock, where he often time came to ponder things. Things like when he got together with his pal in the rainforest to discuss the ways of the environment and they talked and argued about snow storms, and tsunamis, and floods, and such like; manly things they thought. And then, they would forget the grocery lists their wives had given to them, returning home empty handed; only to be scolded by their wives. Oh yes! Anancy had his flaws. And this is were he came to ponder, many times with a heart heavy with sadness having been scolded by Mrs Anancy. But at these times, Wind stroked his spidery cheeks, and the rustle of the leaves soothed him.

But remember; this was Christmas eve night. A night of heightened expectancy, a night of wonder and ethereal promise, a night, busy with angelic voices practising their singing. So it was no means strange to hear voices on such a night, even voices, whispering to Anancy; who, some say, was a super-hero kind of being, who could walk upright like men do, but at the same time he could spin webs and traverse distances, ordinary men could not.

However that's beside the point. Anancy shook himself up straight, gathered up the toys he had hidden in the rainforest and headed for home. He would just have to make Mrs Anancy understand. He just couldn't do it, he couldn't not-buy his children gifts for Christmas.

When he got home, the living room was just barely lit, so he tipped toed to the tree and placed his gifts under. Then, backing away, OOPs! he bumped into Mrs Anancy, who was also on tippy toes; spilling from her, a good handful of gifts. They looked at each other a good five minutes, then they both burst out laughing. Anancy kissed Mrs Anancy good night, and she immediately starting humming again.

On the twelfth day of Christmas my true love gave to me la la la la la la la...
Anansi image © gillena cox

first rainbow...
all the colours of hope
lifted sky high

--gillena cox,

A mass at the Mount*
to usher in the New Year…
deep yearnings for peace

--Keith Simmonds, Trinidad and Tobao
(*Mount = Saint Benedict Monastery Trinidad – 01/01/2014)

New Year's day
no trace of yesterday's prints
or last year's plans

--Adelaide Shaw, US

clip art courtesy Wikipedia

A mother comes home
to bury her only son…
Yuletide excesses

--Keith Simmonds, Trinidad and Tobago

--Adelaide Shaw, US

image from

for John Carley(Aug 1955-Dec 2012) who formed the Zip Haiku

new years day... a grackle stops
among the ixoras... briefly

--gillena cox

clip art courtesy Wikipedia

--Adelaide Shaw, US

Anancy must fall a lot
not see clearly the birth
looking through winter’s eyes
not knowing why Jesus is not in the manger
Not Knowing Jesus was born in the Fall
Anancy’s vows to Jesus always Fall

--Lorraine Renaud, Canada

clip art courtesy Wikipedia

street dwellers
eating as much as they can...
Christmas leftovers
children still playing
with their Christmas presents…
a broken crèche

--Keith Simmonds, Trinidad and Tobago

--Adelaide Shaw, US

Nativity scenes
the magi stand or kneel...
the artists' whimsy

--gillena cox
first posted to NaHaiWriMo - facebook prompts: art/artists

clip art courtesy Wikipedia

winter storm
from the neighbor's garage
he revs his harley

--Michael Baribeau, US

pine scented candle
relighting the stub
one more night

--Adelaide Shaw, US

lights flicker brightly
upon the adorned tree…
twelfth day of Christmas

--Keith Simmonds, Trinidad and Tobago

Thanks to everyone who, celebrated with me. I hope our ponderings, on that magnificent birth, renew in our spirit again, the joy and hope we need to journey, like those three wise men, to bow in reverence at the feet of God's love.

Much love

Individual copyright remains with participants and should not be used without their permission.

Remember to read also those shared as COMMENTS.

This post was created January ist 2014(DAY 8) and edited to include (DAYS 9-12)
revisit Days 1-7, 2013
revisit Finale 2012/13

Okay!!!Lets do this; join in the finale of the celebration, 'Twelve days of Christmas' at Lunch Break, Jan 1st - Jan 5th; EMAIL me, COMMENT, or leave a LINK at the blog hop below.

This linky list is now closed.


Leovi said...

Cute and fun year, I congratulate you on this wonderful post sharing with us your great words! Happy 2014! Leovi.

Gillena Cox said...

Thanks for stopping by, and first for the new year

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Sherry Blue Sky said...

I love your haiku, Gillena!

Ileana said...

Happy New Year,dear Gillena!

Grace said...

Happy New Year to you ~

revelations said...

great haiku...and I hope the New Year is good to you...

Gillena Cox said...

Thanks Sherry

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Gillena Cox said...

Thank you Ileana

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Gillena Cox said...

Thank you Grace

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Gillena Cox said...

glad you dropped by Louis

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Gillena Cox said...

Thanks Robert

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A Bit of the Blarney said...

Grand post!!! Happy New Year!!! Cathy

Unknown said...

"Lunch Break" has been included in the Sites To See for this week. Be assured that I hope this helps to point many new visitors in your direction.

Gillena Cox said...

happy you stopped by Cathy

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Gillena Cox said...

Thank you Jerry

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Frieda said...

Happy New Year to you, dear Gillena!!

Gillena Cox said...

Thanks Frieda

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*... *...*...*░ MUCH LOVE 2014░* * *...*...*
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Laura said...

Oh those firecrackers… for some they are a release of joy, for others a disruption of peace. Happy New Year Gillena!

Annie Jeffries said...

Love the Happy New Year explosion you sent.

The Anancy story is charming.

I spotted a haiku on another site (I think it was yours) about reading, night, tire eyes, turning another page. Captured my night time perfectly.

Gillena Cox said...

happy you stopped by Laura

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Gillena Cox said...

Thanks Anne

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*... *...*...*░ MUCH LOVE 2014░* * *...*...*
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Joyful said...

I enjoyed your Christmas nativity painting and your short story. Wonderful way to start the year. Happy New Year to you and your family and thanks for stopping by at my blog. It cheers me to hear from readers :-)

Mark said...

Firecrackers have a habit of masking many things!

Van Gogh Swirls His Brush

foxysue said...

Loved your view of the New Year, yes no matter how different we all are, we all share this same planet and timekeeper bringing the years around in order! x

J C said...

A very happy new year to you Gillena. Wishing you the best of everything.

Gillena Cox said...

Thanks Joyful

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Gillena Cox said...

Thanks for sharing Mark

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Gillena Cox said...

Happy you stoppped by Sue

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Gillena Cox said...

Thanks Judie

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Lea said...

Dear Gillena, such a rich post, so many things to savor and think on... the haiku are great, thank you for starting off this new year with these gifts... the best to you!

Gillena Cox said...

Thank you Lea

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Magical Mystical Teacher said...

Happy New Year, Gillena! May all the shadowy parts of your life be kind to you in 2014!

Shadowy Mexican Dreams

Gillena Cox said...

Thanks Maggie

much love...