Sunday, March 08, 2015


image courtesy Women poets of Japan - The Greenleaf Files

change of kimono
showing only her back
to the blossom's fragrance
© Chiyo-ni (1703-1775)


scent of twilight
white crepe jasmines
near the front gate

© gillena cox

morning smile
Sunday Lime 1

Happy International Women's Day to all women visiting today - make it happen

Sunday Smiles

How is your Sunday going? Today is #27 in the series 'Sunday Lime' To share with me you can EMAIL me; you can COMMENT; and you can enter a LINK from your blog, at the Linky below

This linky list is now closed.

I am blog hopping today at
Poetry Pantry 242


Jae Rose said...

A nice thought about facing front and back..the first piece was especially intriguing

Gillena Cox said...

Thanks for visiting Jae

much love...

Brian Miller said...

turn your back,
the fragrance will still find you
for sure....

happy sunday gillena

Mary said...

Lovely images....enjoyed especially thinking of the 'scent of twilight.'

Magaly Guerrero said...

Dressing in a kimono is a very difficult task... If she has to hide, so that only the "blossom's fragrance" see her back, I wonder who she is trying to hide from.

The second piece made me think of Jasmines in the night. And with the kimono piece preceding it, I couldn't help but picture Geisha on their way to entertain others...

Gillena Cox said...

Thanks for sharing Brian

much love...

Gillena Cox said...

thanks for your appreciation Magaly

much love...

Gillena Cox said...

thanks Mary

much love...

Vandana Sharma said...

So much to ignore but sometimes one has to face it.

Gillena Cox said...

thank you for your appreciation Vandana

much love...

Grace said...

Love the back and front blooming of flowers ~

Diane Mayr said...

Happy Women's Day to you, too!

I don't believe I've ever smelled a jasmine! I like the idea of flowers at the front gate--it's very welcoming.

Gillena Cox said...

Happy you dropped in Grace

much love...

Gillena Cox said...

Thanks for dropping in and linking up Diane

much love...

Magical Mystical Teacher said...

WOW!!! That changing-kimono haiku takes my breath away. AWESOME!!!

Whirling in Baja California

Jannie Funster said...

My Sunday is going GREAT, thanks!

I dont know if I've even seen a crepe jasmine, but I bet it smells heavenly, as all jasmine does.

Nice haiku.

Gillena Cox said...

thanks for dropping in Maggie

much love...

Gillena Cox said...

happy you dropped by Jannie

much love...

annell4 said...

I enjoyed reading the posts on your blog....

Gillena Cox said...

thanks Annell

much love...

brudberg said...

Love the jasmine smell... there is always something special with a smell

Sherry Blue Sky said...

I especially love the "scent of twilight". Always beautiful when flavored by blossoms.

Donna@LivingFromHappiness said...

Jasmine is so intoxicating as it drifts on the wind....

Truedessa said...

The scent of flowers can be so alluring. Jasmines have a very rich aroma..

Rosemary Nissen-Wade said...

Exquistely beautiful!

Gillena Cox said...

happy you dropped by Bjorn

much love...

Gillena Cox said...

thanks for dropping in Trudessa

much love...

Gillena Cox said...

thanks Rosemary

much love...

Gillena Cox said...

happy you dropped by Donna

much love...

Old Egg said...

What beautiful words are "scent of twilight" and a big thank you for featuring Chiyo- ni's haiku as well.

totomai said...

i suddenly wanted to go to onsen. oriental scents to the soothe the senses

Gillena Cox said...

Happy you dropped in Totomai

much love...

Susan said...

Fun scents--the second is yummy--I had night blooming Jasmine out in California which drew me outsie at night. The first is a fun mix of sensations and space. Great, Gillena

Gillena Cox said...

thanks for your appreciation Susan

much love...

Maniparna said...

The back and front wonderfully contrasted. I liked the first one's awesome!!

Gillena Cox said...

happy you dropped in Maniparna

much love...