Sunday morning rain...
a sprinkling of kindness
on wildflowers
wildflowers in relief...
dipped in holy water founts
fingers of faithfuls
fingers of faithfuls...
prayers of peace circle aves
on rosary beads
rosary beads
in October days weigh...
tradition of hope
© gillena cox 2015
Sundays have always been special here at Lunch Break
Sunday joy 2012
Scent of haiku 2011
Sunday Lime 1
Here its a quiet rainy Sunday morning Sunday Smiles

Welcome to Sunday Lime #54 How is your Sunday going? To share with me you can EMAIL me; you can COMMENT; and you can enter a LINK from your blog, at the Linky below
Poetry Pantry 273

I love how each verse leads to the next..like the turning of a rosary bead..
An early morning rain is always great, ushers in the new day and new dreams. A delightful piece, and greetings to you lovely.
a beautiful cascade, prayerful and ending in hope....
There is such a feeling of relief in the drops of October rain.
Thanks for your appreciation Jae
Much love...
Happy you dropped in Blogoratti
Much love...
Thanks for your appreciation Sumana
Much love...
Surely Mary, happy you dropped in
Much love...
The ladybugs lend a note of happiness in the haiga. Nice.
Thanks Diane
much love...
You certainly paint a beautiful morning :D
delightful verses. loved how each stanza is linked. :)
I like the images of rain and rosary beads.. very much sunday in this.
Thanks Sana'a
Much love...
Happy you dropped in Cheong San
Much love...
Thanks Bjorn
Much love...
Oh the beauty of your words in those first few lines rained down on me today with such a peace!
Glad you dropped in Donna
Much love...
These are all very lovely. I especially like the sprinkling of kindness on wildflowers.
such mornings can be really relaxing.
Happy you dropped in Loredana
much love...
Thanks Sherry
much love...
happy you dropped in Nataša
much love...
What a beautiful reminder in your poem of how interconnected everything is in life whether in the natural world or the man made one. We do exist alone.
Oops It meant "We do not exist alone".
Faithful fingers keep the traditions of hope growing along with the wildflowers. Nicely turned out for a happy Sunday.
Thanks for your appreciation Robin
Much love...
Thanks for your appreciation Susan
Much love...
Happy you dropped on Robin
Much love...
Happy you dropped on Robin
Much love...
Nice light chain poem, I love this kind, the rain - 'a sprinkling of kindness ~ and the world become the better place ~ Love
I like how the opening made me feel..it makes the rain a blessing and I do enjoy the beauty of wildflowers.
Lovely joyous Sunday words.
Anna :o]
I like how the verses flow into each other, like rosary beads being pulled through the fingers...lovely and hopeful
Nice chained haiku...
A very nice chain! I love best of all the first one, that you made into a haiga, but I also appreciate the progression from each one to the next.
Thanks Rosemary
Much love...
I like the circular feel of this poem.
Thanks GL
much love...
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