Tuesday, December 29, 2015


image - Parang Singers from google dot com

❧✿❧Lets Haiku a Christmas Carol❧✿❧

" We'll sing, dance and play"

copyright remains with the individual writers

round-bellied bird
hopping across the wall -
do you have a name
© gillena cox 2015

the scent of Christmas
off snow covered fir
a silver robin
© 2015 Michael Smeer, Netherlands

the old piano -
the cat sleeps on it
and purrs in a different key
© Ana Irina, Romania

candlelights twinkle
singing ornaments dance...
Christmas shadow play
© Pat Geyer, USA

Christmas carols
lifts our hearts and soul
refuge from freezing cold.
© Sanaa Rizvi, Saudi Arabia

big one sings
Rudolph substitute lyrics
little ones grin
© Diane Mayr, USA

as doves coo
their dance floor covers with snow
© Magyar, USA

Dec 29th 2009

This linky list is now closed.

The song for 2015 is from Trinidadian Lennox Grey - "Around the christmas tree”

We are using the first eleven lines of his song for our prompts during the twelve day festival

Welcome to A New Christmas haiku series at Lunch Break, which replaces the old series “The Twelve Days of Christmas” (2008 - 2014)

Link a post from your blog to the Linky
Post here at Comments
Post to the event site at FB
Send me your haiku by messenger
email me

All haiku submitted will be published at Lunch Break between December 21st 2015 to January 01st 2016. Festival posts will be edited throughout the days of the festival to include your haiku.



Diane Mayr said...

big one sings
Rudolph substitute lyrics
little ones grin

Magyar said...

as doves coo
their dance floor covers with snow

__Thanks to you for your Grand Christmas Wishes, Gillena! _m

Gillena Cox said...

Diane thanks for dropping in to share today

much love...

Gillena Cox said...

Thanks for sharing today Magyar

much love...

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