Sunday, June 05, 2016


furling breezes
cavort buntings and banners -
'we beat' festival
© gillena cox 2016

we beat 2015
Sunday Savvy #87
Sunday Lime 1

The Month of June is here. Tugging at her skirt tails are Days of Rain. She presents to the folks of St James, Trinidad - a bouquet of rhythmic vibes The 'We Beat' Festival 2016.

Sunday Smiles

Sundays are always special here at Lunch Break. Today is #87 in the series Sunday Lime How is your Sunday going email me post a COMMENT or leave a link to your blog at the linky below

This linky list is now closed.

Blog hopping today at
Poetry Pantry 305

Linking also to
Blue Monday


Rosemary Nissen-Wade said...

You bring the wind alive!

(We are having the days of rain right now, in Australia.)

Mary said...

Always nice to celebrate with a festival! Happy Sunday, Gillena!

Aditi said...

The sun is out here in London after a week of gray clouds. Spending a relaxed Sunday lazing in the sun! :)
Have a great Sunday and a lovely week, Gillena!

Sanaa Rizvi said...

Lovely write Gillena :D
Happy Sunday to you.

Lots of love,

Jae Rose said...

Like a joyous festival drum :)

Gillena Cox said...

Thanks for your appreciation Rosemary

much love...

Gillena Cox said...

Thanks Mary

much love...

Gillena Cox said...

Happy you dropped in Aditi

much love...

Gillena Cox said...

Thanks for dropping in Sanaa

much love...

Gillena Cox said...

Thanks for your appreciation Jae

much love...

Diane Mayr said...

A little rain can't temper the beat! Enjoy.

Gillena Cox said...

Indeed Diane, thanks for dropping in

Much love...

Magaly Guerrero said...

It sounds like a delightful experience, rains and all!

Happiest Sunday, Gillena.

Sumana Roy said...

thanks for this spread of joy..delightful, Gillena :)

brudberg said...

Sounds wonderful to have the beats in the streets...

Donna@LivingFromHappiness said...

I love how the 'furling breezes' give the sense of rhythm continued to the 'We Beat'

Gillena Cox said...

Thanks for dropping in Magaly

Much love...

Gillena Cox said...

Happy you dropped in Sumana

Much love...

Gillena Cox said...

Happy you dropped in Bjorn

Much love...

Gillena Cox said...

Happy you dropped in Donna

Much love...

Sherry Blue Sky said...

You have a lot of festivals where you live, which must be very wonderful.

Gillena Cox said...

Sure is, Thanks for dropping in Sherry

much love...

Susan said...

I hear the wind, very cool!

Gillena Cox said...

Thanks for dropping in Susan

much love...

Adelaide said...

pinging gutters
and the ticking clock
out of sync


Old Egg said...

Like Rosemary there is rain in my part of Australia too. We need it so don't complain...much!
Festivals we get a lot of too some good some bad!

Gillena Cox said...

Thanks for dropping by and sharing a haiku Adelaide

Much love...

Gillena Cox said...

Happy you dropped in Robin. Actually today was quite sunny

Much love...

Sarah said...

I enjoy your haiku. Blue skies and sunshine here in Texas after days of rain, rain, and more rain. Happy Blue Monday!

LV said...

Thank goodness this week in Texas we are seeing sunshine pagan. So much rain for days. My memory is right, but believe this is my first visit to your blog. Nicely done.

Gillena Cox said...

Thanks for dropping in Sarah

Much love...

Gillena Cox said...

Welcome to Lunch Break LV

Much love...

Jeanne said...

Hi Gillena, We always love to go to a festival and this one looks like fun in the sun. We lust left Texas and the rain was a mess but we had a nice vacation anyway.

Happy Blue Monday. We just arrived home from vacation yesterday. Late catching up. Thank you for joining my blog party.

Gillena Cox said...

Happy you dropped in Jeanne

much love...