Friday, December 29, 2017


[image from bing dot com]

Its DAY FIVE of the Twelve Days Of Christmas 2017-18. This year's caption is 'Gold Frankincense And Myrrh'

awakened at dawn -
an offering of bird songs
starts the day

a cat meows -
stories of milk and cookies
fancy Christmas trees

trickling night rain
thoughts of manger and a star
fills quiet time
--gillena cox, Trinidad and Tobago

DAY 5 2016
DAY 5 2015
DAY 5 2014
DAY 5 2012
DAY 5 2011
DAY 5 2010
DAY 5 2009
DAY 5 2008

This linky list is now closed.


Adelaide said...

bitter cold
the Christmas spirit moves on
with warm feelings


Gillena Cox said...

Adelaide thanks for dropping in and leaving a share I will post it on THE SEVENTH DAY. Best wishes for a Bright and Prosperous New Year

much love...