[ image credit]
those birds again crap!
messing up the floor and wall
of my gallery
© gillena cox 2020
Blog hopping today with
Poets and Storytellers United
Weekly Scribblings #4 New Tricks
Prompted by Rommy ....for this prompt, I’d like you to consider that phrase (“you can’t teach an old dog new tricks”) and express any thoughts you had on it in either poetry or prose form.
Season of Carnival here in T&T
CARNIVAL PAST - PHOTOS © gillena cox

This made me chuckle. Reminded me of some birds that daily came to visit and sleep in my courtyard. They were beautiful. I loved to see them. But... yes they made a mess. Much of life - a trade.
Thanks for your appreciation Myrna
Oh, ick. (The birdcrap, not the poetry.)
Birds. . .love to see them, but. . . they have no manners
😊thanks for your appreciation Ron
Indeed,😊 thanks for dropping by Adelaide
Bwahahaha! You often find a way to make me think of home. When I was growing up, the chickens (and other birds) around the house were just as carefree when it come to their expelling. The tone of your haiku made me think of my grandma's expression whenever this happened (and it happened a lot).
We'd all love birds a lot more if they didn't leave so many calling cards! This made me smile, but I feel your pain!
😊thanks for your appreciation Magaly
😊happy you dropped by Bev
You just have to weigh up the pros and cons. I quite liked the birds gathering around our garden door as they knew it was safe there (we didn't have a cat) and could bathe in the water feature to both their and our delight.
😊luv them though. Thanks for dropping by Robin
You, too?? I thought I was the only one that birds abuse (including on top of my head!) This one made me smile, Gillena. Thank you.
😊thanks for your apprsciation Joel
Get you an owl and sit it by where birds roost.
Was a fun read, Gillena.
At least they were only small birds, Gillena - every time I park at the local library or the supermarket, seagulls leave a mess on my car!
😊thanks for stopping by Jim
😊 happy you dropped by Kim
Ha ha, yes, they would be pretty unteachable. (Not so funny having to keep cleaning up the mess, though.)
😊thanks for droppi g by Rosemary
LOL, if only we could train them to go in certain spots or on certain politician's heads.
If only we could teach birds the new trick of taking their mess elsewhere and just visit us when they can be tidy. :)
😊thanks for dropping by Rommy
😊thanks for dropping by Susie
They can make a mess. It’s easy. The know someone will tidy it for them.
😊Sara happy you dropped by
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