i'm so glad we have
the chance to do this again
Cheers! on my birthday
--gillena cox
Sorrel, traditionally is a Christmas drink for Trinbagonians; however many returning Trinis, for the Carnival Season, travel albeit, with their 'sorrel appetities', in the expectation that their families and friends would have still, a little kept back sorrel in the fridge from Christmas
CHEERS!!! enjoy the 'Sorrel Drinks' jigsaw puzzle; click to mix and solve
Happy Birthday Gillena :)
Cheers and Cheese !
Have a great day!
And many more to come.
happy birthday Gillena
Happy birthday, my fellow Aquarian. Not that I believe in signs and all that stuff. Except when it tells me what I want to hear.
Happy Birthday sweet lady, may it be the best ever x
I love birthdays. Everyone's!
__It's a point where we all look back to... from where we came.
__The happiest to you Gillena! _m
Gillena san,
Happy birth day to you!
Wish living young with haiku and haiga.
Thanks for all your birthday regards; all of which contibuted to a nice day :)
much love
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