2013 photo, (the lady in the red top - my daughter) in the queue to buy tickets for a movie
She wears her jeans of blue,
Caught in a teenage oooh;
"Looks painted on"
Those catty cronies remark;
Oh, but she; happy as a lark.

craft camp...
a pair of ragged jeans morphs
into a tote
--gillena cox
pattern denims
Poem In Your Pocket 2010
at Poetry Jam the prompt is "jeans"

Enjoyed both, but your second one made me smile. Yes, jeans can live on beyond their prime. A denim tote would be cool!
cool when you can reuse things like turning those jeans into a tote..and the first one...well as long as you are comfortable with yourself eh?
"Caught in a teenage oooh" aww so sweet...and jeans taking another birth as tote is very cool.. :)
All those catty remarks eh .!
Nasty types. Have a nice Wednesday!
Happy you dropped in Brian
much love...
Happy you dropped in Sumana
much love...
Thanks Rallentanda
much love...
These both made me smile. Thanks for sharing.
I can see the disapproving matrons and she "happy as a lark". Love the jeans morphing into a tote....cool.
Two very sweet poems, Gillena! I like the idea of a denim tote but it might be too small for all my stuff.
Enjoyed them both, but really like the second one.
Happy you dropped in Peggy
Much love...
Thank you for your appreciation Sherry
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Thanks for stopping by Gabriella
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Thanks Laurie
Much love..
"a pair of ragged jeans'" brings to mind Eliot's "a pair of ragged claws." Let's see:
after English class . . .
a pair of ragged jeans
scuttling across the mall
And now for something completely different:
in line
for the r-rated movie
my daughter
Pure fiction. Not your daughter, and certainly not mine – I've never had one. "r-rated" in the American rating system means "No children unless accompanied by an adult."
Thanks for sharing Bill
much love...
She ought to rock those jeans. Ain't nobosy's business but her own.
Loved that she is "happy as a lark"! Hopefully oblivious to remarks!
happy as a lark, love that and great expression
Happy you dropped in Kim
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Thanks for stopping by Donna
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Thanks for stopping by mood wings
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Thank you for your appreciation Alan
Much love...
these days
even my fat jeans
too skinny
Don't get old and lazy! ;-)
I love pocket poem this is so beatufil glad you find me i couldn't get into your...so strange...
(◕‿◕。) thanks for sharing Diane
Much Love…
Happy you dropped in Lorraine
much love...
Both little poems ... delightful!!
loved it, well done
Like A Pair of Jeans
Well, you can;t please everyone all of the time, so you may please yourself! "Happy as a lark..." Great!
Thanks Helen
much love...
Cifar, thanks for dropping in and leaving your link, i will visit
much love...
happy you dropped in Nicholas
much love...
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