June to July months -
looking back moving forward
a sandwich filling
too soon much too soon
one day at a time applies -
yearnings for Christmas
caught in the middle?
there is no space in between
June and July months
© gillena cox 2015
June ends 2013
June ends 2011
Sunday Lime 1
Mid-year mark, we are at the last Sunday of June, my how time flies
Sunday Smiles

How is your Sunday going? Today is #39 in the series 'Sunday Lime' To share with me you can EMAIL me; you can COMMENT; and you can enter a LINK from your blog, at the Linky below
Poetry Pantry 258

How time flies indeed. Have a nice week ahead!
well - that's the way it is. and soon it will be christmas once again. have a nice day Gillena
Thank you Totomai
Much love...
May be it is the heat that causes that yearning. Ha. We have to be careful wishing our life away
I very much like the digital art.
Time does seem to pass way too fast, before we know it .. it will be time for Christmas and New year will roll in.. hope that time brings happiness to us all. Well penned :D
Lots of love,
Why of course, thanks for dropping in X
Much love...
Thanks for your appreciation Sanaa
Much love...
Yes summer is just starting, and soon it's Cristmas...
Ah, Gillena that loss of time
__A moment mailed in June... is received in August.
Often it seems that way, does it not? Smiles_! _m
I remember your jingle bells tune last year...was it last year or year before?..ah..the passage of time...sigh...expect to hear it again soon :)
I'm not ready for thoughts of Christmas, but I sure appreciate the other sentiments expressed. Nice job, once again, combining words and image!
So true, I enjoyed your poem. Hopefully December doesn't come as quickly.
No space in between it's either or when one is at the cross-roads. But it is ideal for reflection - knowing what were not done and still time to accomplish them and make amends! Great lines Gillena!
Nowhere near wanting to think about Christmas yet!!! But I do appreciate the 'sandwich fillings' idea of this mid-year time of reflection.
Thanks for dropping in Bjorn
much love...
Thank you for your appreciation Magyar
much love...
happy you dropped in Sumana
much love...
Thanks Diane
much love...
Thanks for dropping by KImolisa
much love...
Thank you for your appreciation Hank
much love...
Thank you for your appreciation CC
much love...
the long days
how quickly
they pass
Cute! A wonderful read.
months and then years.. they fly so fast.
No thoughts of Christmas yet, but I do see the year slipping by. Definitely a day at a time applies. Have a great week Gillena. Savor it.
Thanks for sharing Bill
Much love...
Thanks ZQ
Much love...
Indeed Natasa
Much love...
Here there is now a new celebration on June 25th in honor of 6 months before Christmas called Leon Day which is NOEL spelled backward.
There is a curious sadness as the months start to get shorter quite different from the beginning of a new year where there is hope and planning for the future. For then in the middle of the year in all natures fecundity we know that everything passes.
June and July are my favorite months. I wish they would each have many more days than they do. Christmas will come in its own due time. Smiles.
Like Rosemary, I like the digital art - looks really cool.
how right you are summer is the only season I wish away, but the other 3 well I keep close to my art, love what you did here Dear Gillena, then again, when do I NOT
This captures that horrible feeling when people tell you we're closer to Christmas than summer - seems a shame to waste what is here and now!
Yes, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful gift in your words!
that is so interesting; im hearing this for the first time; thanks for visiting Donna
much love...
thanks for your appreciation Robin
much love...
happy you dropped in Mary
much love...
thanks Sherry
much love...
happy you dropped in Lorraine
much love...
indeed Jae, indeed
much love...
Happy you dropped in Leovi
much love...
The flow between the stanzas is like the flow between the months.
Indeed this year is flying by at such a pace. I know in our town, some shops will be displaying Christmas gooods, by the end of August...So quickly this life does pass!
I'm looking forward to the passing of summer and cooler weather!
No Idea (Longer Poem)
thanks for your appreciation GL
much love...
happy you dropped in Eileen
much love...
happy you dropped by Maggie
much love...
True.. I cant believe that 7th month of another year is here.,, Time stops for none
sure does Satyr, thanks for dropping in
much love...
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