Sunday, August 30, 2015


Chaconia image from google dot com

fifty balloons
is now not enough; colours
still in creating

three blind mice
a nursery rhyme ago sung -
pride of new chants

years of growing -
the strains of innocence in
Chaconia bracts
© gillena cox

Independence 2012
Independence 2014
Sunday Lime 1

Tomorrow Trinidad and Tobago celebrates fifty three years of Independence...Sunday Smiles

Welcome to Sunday Lime #48 How is your Sunday going? To share with me you can EMAIL me; you can COMMENT; and you can enter a LINK from your blog, at the Linky below

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Blog hopping today at

Poetry Pantry 267


Recuerda Mi Corazon Chaconia

Saturday, August 29, 2015


peanut butter and lettuce sandwiches yeah!!!

linking to

Also back linking to
PPF Week 25, Year 5

image courtesy Carpe Diem

only the sound of
gushing waters no crickets
nor cicadas

© gillena cox 2015

written in response to the prompt at
Carpe Diem #807 waterfall (reprise): Murchison Falls Uganda

roaring thunder
resonates through the jungle
power of nature
© Chèvrefeuille

Tuesday, August 25, 2015


original image from public domain, filters added

were something like this
to grow in my garden
it would
hold my attention
for hours on end

for hours on end
undecided about stars
dark side of the moon

dark side of the moon
a breeze stirs shadows in hope
of tomorrow

tomorrow pierced by sun rays
entering bird songs clear as
the gurgling of a brook
where lads pitch pebbles

© gillena cox

I am blog hopping today at
Ruby Tuesdays Too

and linking also to
Carpe Diem Modern Times Haiku #3 Jerry Kilbride (1930-2005)

the cool surface
of each potato planted -
dark of the moon
© Jerry Kilbride (1930-2005)

Carpe Diem Tokubetsudesu #58 Dodoitsu

One Night

one night I searched for a star
what I found was a full moon
now my every day is
full of shooting stars
© Ben Gieske (2012)

her shadow on the white wall
her nude silhouette arouses me
I smell her fragile perfume
Honeysuckle blooms
© Chèvrefeuille

Sunday, August 23, 2015


this art print from google dot com

a roadside treat
easy breezy Sunday
and a brisk trade

the street vendors
cut with the greatest of skill
fresh green coconuts

clumped together on a branch
water filled

refreshing drink -
truck-piled the empty nuts
fit for the dump
© gillena cox

Western Main Road 2015
Western Main Road 2013
Sunday Lime 1

A good way to get the Sunday going is to drink a coconut water. Here in St James, the vendors along the Western Main Road will sell you a freshly cut nut and you can drink the water from the nut or with a straw. They also sell you bottled coconut water.

Welcome to Sunday Lime #47 Sunday Smiles

How is your Sunday going? To share with me you can EMAIL me; you can COMMENT; and you can enter a LINK from your blog, at the Linky below

This linky list is now closed.

Poetry Pantry 266

remember this oldie

Saturday, August 22, 2015


image courtesy Carpe Diem

the array of heaven and earth.../gc

heaven and earth completed...their array. [gen 2:1]

Linking to


sunrise to sunset
you meander in beauty -
Blue Nile of Gihon

© gillena cox
Written for the prompt at Carpe Diem #802 Blue Nile

Some Ethiopians have long identified the Blue Nile as the River Gihon mentioned as flowing out of the Garden of Eden in Genesis 2 and "encircling the entire land of Cush".
The Blue Nile is so-called because during flood times, the water current is so high that the river turns almost black (in the local Sudanese language, the word for black is also used for the color blue).

the sound of thunder
resonates through the canyon
Blue Nile Falls
© Chèvrefeuille

Friday, August 21, 2015


I made a sketch of Caricature Plant leaves. Took a photos of the sketch and the leaves; Combined photo and sketches, to create a digital piece. I still don't know what I've come up with, so let's have some fun. Suggest a title for this piece above. And now here a little bit of the process in collage

I am blog hopping today at
PPF Week 24, Year 5

the yellow underbelly of a kiskadee resting
on high voltages wires this dull sunlit morning
like a daub of sunshine splashes of yellow on leaves

© gillena cox

Caricature 2014
Caricature 2013
Caricature 2012

Thursday, August 20, 2015


they furl like cloud puffs ...
morning glory look-alikes
loving rainy days

© gillena cox 2015

WIldflower 2009
WIldflower 2013
WIldflower 2015 Feb

Written for the prompt at Carpe Diem My Favorite Haiku by ... #2 Chiyo-Ni's Morning Glory

asano eikou yoku baketto entanguru watashiha mizuwo motomeru

morning glory!
the well bucket-entangled,
I ask for water
© Chiyo-Ni

This haiku is a beauty because of Chiyo-Ni's feeling towards the Morning Glory which entangled the well bucket. She sees the beauty of the Morning Glory and she doesn't want to ruin it. So she turns to one of our neighbors and asks for water.

Here is my response on this beauty by Chiyo-Ni:

Morning Glories
have overgrown the wooden fence
I take the back one
© Chèvrefeuille (2014)

And linking also to
Recuerda Mi Corazon like cloud puffs

And to
i heart macro #113

Wednesday, August 19, 2015


echo of tweets
bird songs reeling in morning -
caption of praise

© gillena cox 2015

Written for the prompt today at
Carpe Diem#800 Monophytism

rustling bamboo -
song of a Nightingale fades away
a new day rises

a new day rises
in the mystery of the dawn
the sound of rain
© Chèvrefeuille

Tuesday, August 18, 2015


tireless coo of pigeons a butterfly scallops by
© gillena cox 2015

written in response to the prompt at

Carpe Diem Special #162, Lolly's fourth haiku, a one line haiku

wind though the gaps in the cabin walls ... an eagle's cry
© Laura Williams (a.k.a. Lolly)

fly like an eagle as free as a bird in the sky living my dream
© Chèvrefeuille

Sunday, August 16, 2015


I snap a photo, [Its Tuesday August 11, 2015] and post it to Facebook saying: I'm at the mall to meet my haiku pal Vaughn Seward from Canada, who came to Trinidad for the wedding of a relative, and, we would be meeting in person for the very first time.
So, i step on, and the escalator ascends, and, there he is.
We greet each other with a hug, then we go to the coffee shop where I meet his wife and cousin.

He buys me a vanilla chai, and we four, sit and chat awhile. Then, we split up. Janice and Heather decides to browse the mall, while Vaughn and myself move to a more comfortable sitting area to write our first ever 'face-to-face' Renhai

Chai Bar
on the coffee shop board -
list of tea flavors

© gillena cox

I ask Vaughn to start, so he gives me two options for the second Verse [thats where a Renhai starts, radiating outward, to verses 1 and 3]; I choose a phrase about ants... and the Rehnai has started

We sit, for about two to two and a half hours, we chat as we write, catching up, reminiscing on haiku-related online connections. We linger through our present Renhai. I give to Vaughn, a signed copy of my first haiku book 'Moments'

When Janice and Heather returns, we are just wrapping up. We decide to leave the Renhai untitled, and continue that part of it by e-mail some other time. But, we read the Renhai, and Heather does a phone video of our reading.
Bravo to 'Renhai team Vaughn and Gillena' We did it .

cars on the freeway
begin to clump together -
speeding ambulance.../vs

ants on the coconut trunk.../vs
queues to bake and shark vendors.../gc

sandcastle builders -
laughter bursting forth covers
the sound of the waves

meeting Tye 2012
Returning - A 2011 Renhai
Sunday Lime 1

Welcome to Sunday Lime #46 Hope you liked my Renhai-meet sharing today; Sunday Smiles

How is your Sunday going? To share with me you can EMAIL me; you can COMMENT; and you can enter a LINK from your blog, at the Linky below

This linky list is now closed.

Poetry Pantry 265

Saturday, August 15, 2015


image from google dot com

Mary our queen
blessed succour of heaven
above azure skies

azure skies
to ponder her Yes -
gift of faith

gift of faith
this maiden formed in the womb
for God's glory

© gillena cox 2015

Solemnity of The Assumption of Mary

I am blog hopping today at 6WS


Recuerda Mi Corazon
haiku my heart - heaven

Friday, August 14, 2015


image courtesy Carpe Diem

braving burdens
every so often he shows his teeth
desert camel

© gillena cox

Written for the prompt today at
Carpe Diem
Carpe Diem #796 Camels

through sands of time
I walk towards a caravanserai
to refresh my mind
© Chèvrefeuille (August 2013)

a camel
sharing his raindrops -
with the desert
© Menohir

Thursday, August 13, 2015


image courtesy Carp Diem

tattered hand me downs
a homeless man stands staring
at the savannah
a scarecrow walking the streets
purposeful eyes avoid him

© gillena cox

written in response to the prompt at

Carpe Diem Special #161 Lolly's third "new scarecrow ...

new scarecrow ...
already a field mouse pokes
around its fly
© Laura "Lolly" Williams (published in Lovely Things, CDHK- e book)


old scarecrow
lost his battle with the storm
in the field

in the field
pieces of old clothes and paper
birth of scarecrow
© Chèvrefeuille

Monday, August 10, 2015


image courtesy Carpe Diem

setting sun
hope is the reward of those
to slumber

© gillena cox

blog hopping today at
Carpe Diem
#794 Hymn to the Aten (CD Distillation)

The goal of the Carpe Diem Distillation is to write/compose a haiku or tanka inspired on a longer poem given, today that's the "Hymn to the Aten", but not an inspired haiku or tanka as we mostly do here. You have to "distil" the haiku or tanka from the longer poem.

Pharaoh Amenhotep IV {Akhenaten) came to the throne in c. 1370 B-C. to reign as co-regent with his father Amenhotep III (c. 1397-1360 B.C.). He attempted a religious revolution in which faith was focused on one god - Aten (the solar disk).

[excerpt from The Great Hymn to Aten] courtesy Carpe Diem
When you set in western lightland,
Earth is in darkness as if in death;
One sleeps in chambers, heads covered,
One eye does not see another.
Were they robbed of their goods,
That are under their heads,
People would not remark it.
Every lion comes from its den,
All the serpents bite;
Darkness hovers, earth is silent,
As their maker rests in lightland