I snap a photo, [Its Tuesday August 11, 2015] and post it to Facebook saying: I'm at the mall to meet my haiku pal Vaughn Seward from Canada, who came to Trinidad for the wedding of a relative, and, we would be meeting in person for the very first time.
So, i step on, and the escalator ascends, and, there he is.
We greet each other with a hug, then we go to the coffee shop where I meet his wife and cousin.

He buys me a vanilla chai, and we four, sit and chat awhile. Then, we split up. Janice and Heather decides to browse the mall, while Vaughn and myself move to a more comfortable sitting area to write our first ever 'face-to-face' Renhai
Chai Bar
on the coffee shop board -
list of tea flavors
© gillena cox

I ask Vaughn to start, so he gives me two options for the second Verse [thats where a Renhai starts, radiating outward, to verses 1 and 3]; I choose a phrase about ants... and the Rehnai has started
We sit, for about two to two and a half hours, we chat as we write, catching up, reminiscing on haiku-related online connections. We linger through our present Renhai. I give to Vaughn, a signed copy of my first haiku book 'Moments'

When Janice and Heather returns, we are just wrapping up. We decide to leave the Renhai untitled, and continue that part of it by e-mail some other time. But, we read the Renhai, and Heather does a phone video of our reading.
Bravo to 'Renhai team Vaughn and Gillena' We did it .
cars on the freeway
begin to clump together -
speeding ambulance.../vs
ants on the coconut trunk.../vs
queues to bake and shark vendors.../gc
sandcastle builders -
laughter bursting forth covers
the sound of the waves.../gc
meeting Tye 2012
Returning - A 2011 Renhai
Sunday Lime 1
Welcome to Sunday Lime #46 Hope you liked my Renhai-meet sharing today; Sunday Smiles

How is your Sunday going? To share with me you can EMAIL me; you can COMMENT; and you can enter a LINK from your blog, at the Linky below

Wow, that's impressive. Its always great to meet other bloggers, and writing together was a special touch. Thanks for sharing. Greetings and best wishes!
I've enjoyed learning about your process! What a great way to spend an afternoon.
Happy you dropped in Blogoratti
Much love...
Thanks for dropping in and linking up Diane
Much love...
What an interesting activity to collaborate on writing poetry. That sounds like an fun afternoon, though I probably could give good advice but never receive it!
How wonderful that you were able to meet a haiku friend & collaborate on a poem together. I enjoyed seeing the photos and reading about the process, as well as seeing the poem!
Must have felt so wonderful to collaborate on a poem together :D
Happy Sunday :D
Lots of love,
Sure was Sanaa , happy you dropped in
Much love...
Thanks Mary
Much love...
what a wonderful read Gillena...so nice meeting a Haiku friend in person.....
thanks for dropping in Sumana
much love...
Your joint poem is fueled by sense and sun.. It must be wonderful to meet in real life. So wonderful.
it's wonderful that you meet in person and it's great that you have someone you can collaborate with.
What fun to sit in a coffee shop and write poetry with someone.. !!!
Happy you dropped by Nataša
much love...
Surely Thotpurge
much love...
How wonderful to meet and collaborate with a like minded poet ~ Lovely verses, thanks for sharing ~
Very cool to meet each other, I'm sure!
Happy you dropped.in Grace
Much love...
Thanks for dropping in CC
Much love...
Oh what a magical time to share with us and the Renhai is so fascinating!
How cool, to meet another blogger poet in person and spend the visit writing! Love it!
Happy you dropped in Sherry
much love...
Thanks for dropping in Donna
much love...
awww. love the story i always enjoy meet ups. loved the first haiku and the rehnai is shaping up perfectly
Thanks for dropping in Totomai
Much love...
Very cool to get to meet a fellow blogger and one that you like to write with, sounds like you had a wonderful time.
I love this so much Gillena, the sharing in it and the outcome is as lovely as you are, always xo
Did too, Thanks for dropping in Trudessa
much love...
Happy you dropped in Lorraine
much love...
That's wonderful Gillena. Pretty obvious it was fun. Would you do the same thing for other bloggers should they drop-by Trinidad? It is far from home though!
Thanks for sharing your adventure, I envy you the opportunity to meet and write with online friends,
Oh do come for a visit Hank
Much love...
Ah yes it was a lovely meeting Elizabeth
Much love...
And the new photo smile says it all; enjoy! Nifty_! _m
happy you dropped in Magyar
much love...
Well, I certainly enjoyed this post. What a cool bit of writing: you brought your readers right into such a warm, convivial, creative meeting of like-minded artists. Lovely!
Happy you dropped in Wendy
much love...
Gillena, what a wonderful and creative visit.
Liked the haiku. I will look into renhai more thanks for the introduction.
Happy you dropped by RK
Much love...
Thanks for dropping in GL
Much love...
interesting to read how you collaborated with another poet. I have done it a few times by e-mail, but I'm sure it is more enjoyable in person.
This post was linked to
Open Link Night # 322
I have joined other writers several times for 'group writes' and love it! I also love when poets go back in the past and re-introduce us to their old posts.
Thanks for your appreciation Helen
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