at night while reading -
quietly an ant scurries
across words printed
across the page it hurries
how much wisdom can
this ant acquire
© gillena cox 2017
I started last week with itchy eyes and by Tuesday I had to go to the doctor, by Thursday my eyes were clear and comfortable, but still a bit puffy, i'm still on prescribed meds.
No fun at all.
So how was your week, better than mine i hope?
Sunday Smiles

None is travelling
Here along this way but I,
This autumn evening.
© Matsuo Bashō 1644-1694
Blog hopping today at

Poetry Pantry
Recuerda Mi Corazon - ant scurrying


Carpe Diem
Time Travel #5
Enjoy The Music
Before you leave see also
Sunday Lime 45
Sunday Savvy 45
30 July 2016