Thursday, January 04, 2018


[image from Pinterest]

Happy New Year

Welcome to Lunch Break's TENTH YEAR in celebrating The Twelve Days of Christmas. This year our caption is 'Gold Frankincense And Myrrh'

shepherds leave the field
the majesty of a child
draws them to him
--gillena cox, Trinidad and Tobago

with precious gifts
from far away lands
the magi came
--gillena cox, Trinidad and Tobago

Silver-gold child
Created from Love's Mercy
Love songs keep him safe
--Deborah San Gee, USA

DAY 11 2017
DAY 11 2016
DAY 11 2015
DAY 11 2013
DAY 11 2012
DAY 11 2011
DAY 11 2010
DAY 11 2009

This linky list is now closed.


Adelaide said...

blinding snow
the vision of love
forever in view


Gillena Cox said...

Thanks for your haiku share Adelaide, will post it tomorrow

much love...