good morning
to the grackle on the wall -
daintyly skipping
perched on a rock
the song of a grackle
swift in passing
a grackle hops in
smell of freshly cut grass
one them another
new years day... a grackle stops
among the ixoras... briefly
skip of grackles
across a church lawn...
sun bright day
our pockets filled
of every necessity...
gaze of two grackles
follow the curve of the road...
dark beaks of grackles peck
a frangipani strewn lawn

trickling water...
light footed a grackle
alights on a rock

ocean breezes -
in the beak of a blackbird
some kind of berry
one black bird singing
to the light of morning -
i too am alone-
a grackle
flown from the lines
limes with pigeons
on the street
sunlight -
morning espied
through the eye
of a grackle

in the stillness
a few grackles fly in
ruffling the palms
© gillena cox
zip haiku
our pockets
Sunday Lime 1
AND NOW ---Thirteen Ways of Looking at a Blackbird by WALLACE STEVENS
Among twenty snowy mountains,
The only moving thing
Was the eye of the blackbird.
I was of three minds,
Like a tree
In which there are three blackbirds.
The blackbird whirled in the autumn winds.
It was a small part of the pantomime.
A man and a woman
Are one.
A man and a woman and a blackbird
Are one.
I do not know which to prefer,
The beauty of inflections
Or the beauty of innuendoes,
The blackbird whistling
Or just after.
Icicles filled the long window
With barbaric glass.
The shadow of the blackbird
Crossed it, to and fro.
The mood
Traced in the shadow
An indecipherable cause.
O thin men of Haddam,
Why do you imagine golden birds?
Do you not see how the blackbird
Walks around the feet
Of the women about you?
I know noble accents
And lucid, inescapable rhythms;
But I know, too,
That the blackbird is involved
In what I know.
When the blackbird flew out of sight,
It marked the edge
Of one of many circles.
I have been participating in the Month of April poems at 'imaginary garden' from my blog 'verses'. Today, DAY TWELVE, i'm posting from Lunch Break
Sunday Smiles

How is your Sunday going? Today is #30 in the series 'Sunday Lime' To share with me you can EMAIL me; you can COMMENT; and you can enter a LINK from your blog, at the Linky below
Poems In April DAY TWELVE - Sunday's Mini-challenge: Wallace Stevens'
CHALLENGE: to write a new poem or prose poem inspired by a line, title, verse or style of Wallace Stevens.

Poetry Pantry 247

I thoroughly enjoyed the grackle poems...I think the last one especially...have a glorious day!
Thanks Donna
much love...
Beautiful images.. I had not heard of grackle before but there are some wonderful tropical imagery you bring today.
Thank you Bjorn
Much love...
I enjoyed all of these glimpses of a grackle.......and the photo. I had never seen a grackle before. Cool bird.
I see the grackle has long been your companion. I love this unique experience of being able to read your whole collection.
This was a wonderful poem..!! Enjoyed it thoroughly :D
Cool tropical images and rich language.. loved the picture too :)
Hope you are enjoying Sunday :D
glad you dropped in Sherry
much love...
thanks for your appreciation Kerry
much love...
Happy you dropped in Sanaa
much love...
You have captured the many adventures of this grackle with imagery. Now, I need to see one..
How lovely to see the grackle on the rocks, grass & lawn ~
Thanks for linking up with Real Toads Gillena and wishing you Happy Sunday ~
happy i sparked your interest Truedessa
much love...
thanks for stopping by Grace
much love...
A quaint little bird... Enjoyed following it through your poems.
I've enjoyed all of the different ways of looking at a grackle! A cool progression.
interesting... always nice to connect with nature
A lovely collection --I too have not heard of a grackle before
This is really good!
Hi Gillena, lovely poem you have here. it is a mixture of sunny ol' Church Sundays with the day as lazy as can be after brunch and of course the creepy raven of Edgar Allen Poe. I enjoyed it yes I did...very skillful crafting. Me loved it, thanks!!!
Wonderful series of haiku. Love the imagery in each gem -- Lawns, flowers, rocks and the grackle's movements among these. :)
thanks for dropping in CC
much love...
Thanks Mary
much love...
Happy you dropped in Rose
much love...
then im glad you dropped by Audrey
much love...
Thanks Zen
much love...
Thank you for your appreciation James
much love...
Thanks for your appreciation Raven
much love...
I encountered grackles when I visited Austin, Texas in 2006. The locals regarded them as pests, for their noise, numbers and scavenging ways, but I perceived them as beautiful birds.
I love the fact that you have written your poem in haiku — and such beautiful haiku! (Not forgetting the occasional haiga.)
thank you for your appreciation Rosemary
much love...
Wow, what a great collection of bird poems! I see a number of your readers are not familiar with grackles. They are very common here in NH.
I hope your grackles sing our make an awful racket. However your verses are wonderful descriptions and a treat to read.
Happy you dropped in Diane
Much love..
Great grackle poems Gillena. Birds are fascinating especially found in many different places as written!
They don't sing as the kiskadee or blue birds. I have to agree. Its quite a racket. The or song. I do find them quite slick and attractive though
Thanks for dropping in Debi
Much love...
Thanks for your appreciation Hank
Much love...
Thank you for the introduction to the grackle...I wasn't familiar with them before...at least not that I can recall! I mentioned frangipani in my poem today too :-)
What an entertaining post with the Grackles and others to thrill us.
Thank you for your poetic introduction to this bird! I had never heard about it either.
Love these haiku set Gillena...what a wonderful way to look at the grackle...
You worked hard on this post, Gillena. At first I thought it was only going to be one (the 1st) haiku. But you had LOTs and all from your earlier 'grackle' posts.
The Wallace Stevens modification worked good too, very well.
Wow! You took the challenge and flew with the grackles. Amazing work!
those haiku / senryu are so well done ~
oh oh Black Bird I love your sound, and Gillena's Gillena's she sings along x
I've not heard of a grackle before - and yet here i can hear it sing!
glad you dropped in CC
much love...
Grackles are everywhere even our notebooks.
"one black bird singing
to the light of morning -
i too am alone-"
This one made me a tad sad...
I love birds, particularly my garden blackbirds. Their songs and antics are endearing, every day...I got to know about grackles in Austin, Texas and more recently in California. Love their cheeky rattle and nosey natures!
Happy New Week,
Happy you dropped in Robin
Much love...
Glad you stopped by Gabriella
Much love...
Sure did. Thanks for your appreciation Jim
Much love...
Thanks Susie
Much love..
Thanks Jae
Much love...
Thanks for dropping Magaly
Much love...
Sure thing G L
Much love.
Happy you dropped by Eileen
Much love...
Thanks for dropping in Lorraine
Much love...
Thanks grapeling
Much love...
Each haiku is a like a song from a grackle. Enjoyed every single of it Gillena.
happy you dropped in Totomai
much love...
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