Tuesday, August 13, 2013


touring the street
filtering of excitement...
wheeled boats
-- gillena cox

Linking today to Ruby Tuesday Too

photo taken Saturday August 10th, during promotion (along the Western Main Road in St James) for The Great Race August 24th 2013


Ingrid said...

Wow ! what a car ! far too big for our little streets, lol !

Leovi said...

Beautiful photo, nice truck, I like it!

Frieda said...

That's a really huge car! And you captured the anticipation for the race very well...

Gillena Cox said...

Gattina, smiles, glad you dropped in

much love...

Gillena Cox said...

Thank you for stopping by Leovi

much love...

Gillena Cox said...

Thank you Frieda, happy you stopped by

much love...

Gemma Wiseman said...

A bright and interesting design. Most impressive vehicle.

Gillena Cox said...

Gemma; happy you stopped by

much love...

WabiSabi said...

Oh I do love an orange sky in the early morning! Thank you for sharing your word picture!

Gillena Cox said...

Thank you for your appreciation Wabi Sabi

much love...