Linking today to Sunday Whirl Wordle #123
keep your fierce bitter winds
enough! cries out Sister Ocean

all the questions gusting through
pieces of sun-bleached beaches
----gillena cox
(An image from Google was used, to produce a greyscaled cropped train image for this post)
Nicely done, Gillena. Happy Sunday to you as well.
We had fierce, bitter winds here in the desert last night. Sister Ocean would have been welcome to cry out against them, because my cries were futile!
Thank you Pamela
much love...
wishing you calmer weather through the coming week, MMT
much love...
Wonderfully crafted! Thanks!
A Perfect succinct creation - quite visual.
It is always fun to read work that pushes the boundaries as you have done here. Mind you I always thought the wind and the ocean were in league together!
Thank you daphne
much love...
thank you for your appreciation Mishla
much love...
happy you dropped in, oldegg
much love...
Triple WOW Two of my favourite things:
Oceans and trains, and wow how wonderfully you put everything together in its rightful place, poetically
Love your words about the ocean. I can visualize it.
Thank you Lorraine; glad you liked this one so much
much love...
thank you for your appreciation Judie
much love...
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