first published at haigaonline issue No4
long night...
picking up a pencil to
poem my thoughts
--gillena cox
Linked today to Sunday Scribblings: 'poem'; you can also read other responses to the prompt - 'poem' HERE
Sunday is a good day to reminisce don't you think?
Sunday Smiles

I've always loved this poem and song:
I think that I shall never see
A poem lovely as a tree.
A tree whose hungry mouth is prest
Against the earth's sweet flowing breast;
A tree that looks at God all day,
And lifts her leafy arms to pray;
A tree that may in summer wear
A nest of robins in her hair;
Upon whose bosom snow has lain;
Who intimately lives with rain.
Poems are made by fools like me,
But only God can make a tree.
--Joyce Kilmer(1886-1918)
Today is #84 in the series Sunday Savvy; revisit Sunday Savvy #83 Do you have a 'reminscing' story to chat about EMAIL me, COMMENT, or a leave the LINK at the blog hop below.
tag 1 Shadow Shot Sunday
tag 2 Kaleidoscope Sunday
tag 3 Magpie Tales
tag 4 Straight Out Of The Camera Sunday
tag 5 Sunday Whirl
tag 6 Issa's Sunday Service
tag 7 Sunday In My City
tag 8 Silly Sunday
tag 9 Lovely Sunday Quotes
tag 10 Poetry pantry
tag 11 Post Cards From Paradise

I like the idea of illustrating my poetry or other writing myself but posting pressures tend to put paid to that. Joyce Kilmer's poem is a delight isn't it?
Very interesting blog--and haiku post. I'm visiting from Rebecca's site and I think haiku must be part of your own paradise.
sundays are brighter when you stop by, thank you.
I like the idea of making a poem of thoughts. When my mind won't rest, late at night, perhaps the gentle persuasion of poetic ordering will finally lull me to sleep.
Glad you dropped in oldegg
Much love...
Redondowriter thank you for your appreciation
Much love
Thanks Rebecca
Much love
Annie thank you for your appreciation
Much love
long night...
she shortens it
with a poem
beautiful thought, Gillena. liked it.
I remember having to memorize that poem in the fifth or sixth grade. Do kids still do that I wonder
steady rain beats out a poem
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