Thursday, April 30, 2015


pre dawn
the sound of angels hover
over sleep

© gillena cox

the pink bubblegum
you make of me
--Alan Summers, UK

new viewpoint
a spring goose honks
from the rooftop
--Bette Norcross Wappner, USA

unburnt wood like hair
fully burnt ash like beard
my head nature's misinterpretation !
--Bidur Chaulagain

Dancing in your tune-
Tango altogether,
Breathless - to enjoy
--Bobby Amt, India

first date
pink bubblegum
stuck to her high heels

rolled-up carpets
counting the days
since I had a guest
--Cristina-Monica Moldoveanu, Romania

You climbed through my sweat
Layers of sweet salt
You made me breathless

These cardinals
Wander to and from me
Singing to the waves

Rainy Friday morning
A young girl throws a ball
Birds scatter
--Deborah San Gee, USA

your cheekiness
swelling up for all to see--
pink bubblegum
--Devin Harrison

[Here are geese on Mass Ave. in Boston! Someone had tossed some bread on the sidewalk.]
flight overlay
tempers rise over
a hamburger roll
--Diane Mayr, USA

sleepless night
hanging on bare branches
the moon’s croissant
--Eugen Posa

after snowfall
of first flowers aroma -
such joy
--Gennady Nov

rising heat
her plunging
--Johnny Baranski, USA

fat baby cheeks
sweet as bubblegum kisses
baby now forty

Thundering Spring storm
Our Colorado weather
Brings snow rain tulips
--MaryBeth Utley Lathrop

Second date -
on the green green grass of home
pink pantie & bubblegum
--Nicu Stops Stopel, Romania

Search with eye
enjoy too big
green frogs love

Buddha sit
bothi tree
enjoy too breath
--Otteri Selvakumar, India

playing favourites-
the stone Buddha lets some crows
sit on his head
--Sanjuktaa Asopa, India

imagine a dot
in fibonacci sequence―
beautiful chaos
--Santiago Villafania

fingerprints ..
the bee’s flight
to flower
--Sarbjit Singh‎,

[painted the picture of my dog and my lil bus]

--Shanna Baldwin, Hawaii

fallen pink petals
into rain puddles
my bubblegum
--Vibeke Laier, Denmark

Poems remain the copyright of individual poets

Thanks to all participating poets; (A facebook event was drawn up with invitations, to post haiku in response, for the celebration of today's fest here at Lunch Break - A Poem In Your Pocket Day 2015)
much love

A Poem In Your Pocket 2014

Wednesday, April 29, 2015


Japanese tea-garden image from Google dot com

so gather ye then
solely to bless each other -
peace ripples a pond

© gillena cox

purity of rhythm
symbolizes purity

I am blog hopping today at
Carpe Diem #715, Purity

Monday, April 27, 2015


image courtesy Carpe Diem - Mount Arbel, where the sermon of The Beatitudes was given

running feet of dogs
where a hand receives one coin -
hope in heaven stored

© gillena cox

I am blog hopping today at

Carpe Diem Tokubetsudesu #45, The Beatitudes

CHALLENGE: to bring The Beatitudes back to haiku or tanka or into a haibun

Friday, April 24, 2015


image from google dot com

i will be offline a while


morning greets me
with a new wildflower
each day is special

© gillena cox

Today's digital art inspired by a new wildflower i encounted this morning

I'm blog hopping today at

Week 7 Year 5


Recuerda Mi Corazon haiku my heart - each day

Wednesday, April 22, 2015


In 2013 a car crashed my wall. My bougainvillea was destroyed, or so i thought, the gardener dug it up, and said it couldn't be saved.Then one day, my grief turned to joy again, when I say a tiny green shoot appearing. and today I'm happy to share. My born again Bougainvillea
sunshine and i smile / beautiful bougainvillea

Happy Earth Day 2015 to all Lunch Break visitors and friends

Earth Day 2014

Monday, April 20, 2015


photo - wildflowers in my backyard

they are not
these red wild ones
yet who knows the names of
every dream in the sunshine

--© gillena cox

more and more

I am blog hopping today at Carpe Diem Special #143, Kala Ramesh's "wild violets"


Ruby Tuesdays Too


Our World Tuesday

Sunday, April 19, 2015


i used an internet image cropped it applied several filters and frame for this resulting haiga

call us back to
innate beauty with sure bursts -
flute-shaped furlings

by chance to gaze -
bright golden sunlight kissing
your blooms lightly

billow and swirl
ye winds of March April May -
astound yellows

they sing the songs
of joyous Easter season -
yellow poui

craft the mornings
repair the noon day angst
of fiery swoons

gently your hand
deal; for only a short while
these *poms exist

add a frame of
poesy; words to linger
as blossoms fall
© gillena cox

*poms = pom-poms shortened

Sunday Lime 1

The golden aura of poui can still be seen on the mountain sides; so uplifting

Sunday Smiles

How is your Sunday going? Today is #31 in the series 'Sunday Lime' To share with me you can EMAIL me; you can COMMENT; and you can enter a LINK from your blog, at the Linky below

This linky list is now closed.

I am blog hopping today at
Poetry Pantry 248


And back-linking to
Sunday Whirl Wordle #205

Saturday, April 18, 2015


crop of an internet image was filtered and framed to produce this haiga

still early enough
to take the garbage out -
preening bird

© gillena cox

I'm blog hopping today at Carpe Diem Sparkling Stars #22, Basho's "where the hototogisu is singing".


stopping to watch a mocking bird - 6W

Friday, April 17, 2015


photo - wildflowers in my backyard

how they twitter
these birds of the morning -
breath in breath out

breath in breath out
the newness of today
tis sweet repast

tis sweet repast
dew drops frost green leaves -
ah sun rising

ah sun rising
shards of light image the walls
azure-filled window

filling the morning with wonder/watergrass flower suckles a bee

© gillena cox

Written for the prompt today at
Transforming Fridays with Nature's Wonders

Imaginary Garden With Real Toads


As part of International Haiku Poetry Day, there is the EarthRise Rolling Haiku Collaboration.
The inaugural EarthRise Rolling Haiku Collaboration begins at 12:01 A.M. at the International Date Line, and rolls throughout the day. click here to participate


Bee and Watergrass Flower - digital painting

Week 6 Year 5


Express Your Creativity week-16


Recuerda Mi Corazon haiku my heart - international


sitting in the garden
the sweet smell of roses
— the cry of seagulls
© Chèvrefeuill

a bee lured to the wildflower
i gaze at its delicate beauty
© gillena cox

Carpe Diem Time Machine #8,Perfume

sitting in the garden
the sweet smell of roses
— the cry of seagulls
a bee lured to the wildflower
i gaze at its delicate beauty
©Chèvrefeuill/gillena cox

Thursday, April 16, 2015


crop of an internet image was filtered and framed to produce this image

with wings fanned
a mocking bird on the wall -
silent views

© gillena cox


day moon

Carpe Diem #708, Wisdom

Wednesday, April 15, 2015


the rumbling earth -
thoughts of angry gods seep through
the control of breath

© gillena cox

Carpe Diem #707, Breath Control

Monday, April 13, 2015


Mac Donalds, Cipriani Boulevard, Port of Spain Trinidad

Series Picture Post Cards #38

flash of yellow -
the underbelly of a
kiskadee in flight

© gillena cox

sunny day
kis ka dee

I am blog hopping today at
Monday Mellow Yellows


Carpe Diem #706, Delusion

Sunday, April 12, 2015


great-tailed grackle from google dot com

good morning
to the grackle on the wall -
daintyly skipping


perched on a rock
the song of a grackle
swift in passing


a grackle hops in
smell of freshly cut grass
one them another


new years day... a grackle stops
among the ixoras... briefly


skip of grackles
across a church lawn...
sun bright day


our pockets filled
of every necessity...
gaze of two grackles


follow the curve of the road...
dark beaks of grackles peck
a frangipani strewn lawn


trickling water...
light footed a grackle
alights on a rock


ocean breezes -
in the beak of a blackbird
some kind of berry


one black bird singing
to the light of morning -
i too am alone-


a grackle
flown from the lines
limes with pigeons
on the street


sunlight -
morning espied
through the eye
of a grackle

in the stillness
a few grackles fly in
ruffling the palms

© gillena cox

zip haiku
our pockets
Sunday Lime 1


AND NOW ---Thirteen Ways of Looking at a Blackbird by WALLACE STEVENS
Among twenty snowy mountains,
The only moving thing
Was the eye of the blackbird.

I was of three minds,
Like a tree
In which there are three blackbirds.

The blackbird whirled in the autumn winds.
It was a small part of the pantomime.

A man and a woman
Are one.
A man and a woman and a blackbird
Are one.

I do not know which to prefer,
The beauty of inflections
Or the beauty of innuendoes,
The blackbird whistling
Or just after.

Icicles filled the long window
With barbaric glass.
The shadow of the blackbird
Crossed it, to and fro.
The mood
Traced in the shadow
An indecipherable cause.

O thin men of Haddam,
Why do you imagine golden birds?
Do you not see how the blackbird
Walks around the feet
Of the women about you?

I know noble accents
And lucid, inescapable rhythms;
But I know, too,
That the blackbird is involved
In what I know.

When the blackbird flew out of sight,
It marked the edge
Of one of many circles.

I have been participating in the Month of April poems at 'imaginary garden' from my blog 'verses'. Today, DAY TWELVE, i'm posting from Lunch Break

Sunday Smiles

How is your Sunday going? Today is #30 in the series 'Sunday Lime' To share with me you can EMAIL me; you can COMMENT; and you can enter a LINK from your blog, at the Linky below

This linky list is now closed.

I am blog hopping today at
Poems In April DAY TWELVE - Sunday's Mini-challenge: Wallace Stevens'

CHALLENGE: to write a new poem or prose poem inspired by a line, title, verse or style of Wallace Stevens.
Imaginary Garden With Real Toads


Poetry Pantry 247