Sunday, December 31, 2017


[image from google dot com]

Welcome to Lunch Break's TENTH YEAR in celebrating The Twelve Days of Christmas. This year our caption is 'Gold Frankincense And Myrrh'

bitter cold
the Christmas spirit moves on
with warm feelings
--Adelaide Shaw; USA

the star
i always follow
butterfly dreams
--Vibeke Laier; Denmark

carving morning
from the silence of night -
dawn birds
--gillena cox; Trinidad and Tobago

DAY 7 2016
DAY 7 2015
DAY 7 2014
DAY 7 2012
DAY 7 2011
DAY 7 2010
DAY 7 2009
DAY 7 2008

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Saturday, December 30, 2017


[image from google dot com]

Its DAY SIX of the Twelve Days Of Christmas 2017-18. This year's caption is 'Gold Frankincense And Myrrh'

a day filled with rain -
like a long song stretching back
to Joy to the world

a saviour born
he laid sweetly in the hay -
three wise men find

shepherds too
heard angelic choruses -
his Navitity
--gillena cox, Trinidad and Tobago

DAY 6 2016
DAY 6 2015
DAY 6 2014
DAY 6 2012
DAY 6 2011
DAY 6 2010
DAY 6 2009
DAY 6 2008

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Friday, December 29, 2017


[image from bing dot com]

Its DAY FIVE of the Twelve Days Of Christmas 2017-18. This year's caption is 'Gold Frankincense And Myrrh'

awakened at dawn -
an offering of bird songs
starts the day

a cat meows -
stories of milk and cookies
fancy Christmas trees

trickling night rain
thoughts of manger and a star
fills quiet time
--gillena cox, Trinidad and Tobago

DAY 5 2016
DAY 5 2015
DAY 5 2014
DAY 5 2012
DAY 5 2011
DAY 5 2010
DAY 5 2009
DAY 5 2008

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Thursday, December 28, 2017


[image from google dot com]

Its DAY FOUR of the Twelve Days Of Christmas 2017-18. This year's caption is 'Gold Frankincense And Myrrh'

her coffin incensed -
'twas the third day of Christmas
for faith-filled goodbyes
--gillena cox, Trinidad and Tobago
in memoriam for my friend Paula Clarke whose funeral Mass was yesterday at Church of The Assumption, Long Circular Road Maraval, Trinidad

bringing down
wings of hope
white dove
--Vibeke Laier, Denmark

ever virtuous..
scratching the cold hard ground
three hens dark and light
--Pat Geyer, USA

DAY 4 2016
DAY 4 2015
DAY 4 2014
DAY 4 2012
DAY 4 2011
DAY 4 2010
DAY 4 2009
DAY 4 2008

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Wednesday, December 27, 2017


[image from Pinterest

Its DAY THREE of the Twelve Days Of Christmas 2017-18. This year's caption is 'Gold Frankincense And Myrrh'

guiding light -
the radiance of a star
that blessed night
--gillena cox, Trinidad and Tobago

his gift of gold
to worship the Baby...
virtue of love
--Pat Geyer; USA

tasting again and again
from a feeder
--gillena cox, Trinidad and Tobago

DAY 3 2016
DAY 3 2015
DAY 3 2014
DAY 3 2012
DAY 3 2011
DAY 3 2010
DAY 3 2009
DAY 3 2008

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Tuesday, December 26, 2017


[image from Pinterest

Its DAY TWO of the Twelve Days Of Christmas 2017-18. This year's caption is 'Gold Frankincense And Myrrh'

clouds map the sky -
Santa's stuck on a poster
a ho ho ho smile
gillena cox, Trinidad and Tobago

tear shaped drops for a King...
the new Baby cries
--Pat Geyer; USA

december star
just for a moment
a small sign
--Vibeke Laier, Denmark

DAY 2 2016
DAY 2 2014
DAY 2 2012
DAY 2 2011
DAY 2 2010
DAY 2 2009
DAY 2 2008

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Monday, December 25, 2017


Welcome to Lunch Break's TENTH YEAR in celebrating The Twelve Days of Christmas. This year our caption is 'Gold Frankincense And Myrrh'

his gift of gold
to worship the Baby...
virtue of love
--Pat Geyer, USA

the Christmas tree
lures a toddler's stare -
ATM queue
--gillena cox, Trinidad and Tobago

silent night
a cat stops and listen to
the christmas bell
--Vibeke Laier, Denmark

Merry Christmas 2016
Merry Christmas 2015
Merry Christmas 2014
Merry Christmas 2013
Merry Christmas 2012
Merry Christmas 2011
Merry Christmas 2010
Merry Christmas 2009
Merry Christmas 2008

Creche at St Mary's RC Church [St James, Trinidad] 2018

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Monday, December 18, 2017


[image found at Pinterest]

Best Wishes for a Merry Christmas AND a Bright and Prosperous New Year.

From Dec 25 2017 to Jan 6th 2018. Lunch Break will be hosting its TENTH YEAR of The Twelve Days of Christmas

Please drop by and link in OR comment with a gift of your words

much love

Sunday, December 17, 2017


Gaudete Sunday -
in the season of waiting
a flicker of joy

© gillena cox 2017

Its the Sunday of joy; ENJOY!!!!

Sunday Smiles

Sundays are always special here at Lunch Break. Today is #65 in the series The Sunday Standard when 5-7-5 haiku is featured. Here's wishing you a happy Sunday email me post a COMMENT or leave a link to your blog at the linky below

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Blog hopping today with

Poetry Pantry # 383


Recuerda Mi Corazon joy

Enjoy The Music

Before you leave see also
Sunday Savvy 65
Sunday Lime 65
17 December 2015

Friday, December 15, 2017


a slow clip clop -
rhythms faithful hearts set to
The Manger Birth

© gillena cox 2017

[on the drawing board 'Journey To Bethelehem' watercolour]

Blog hopping today with

week 41 year 7



Enjoy The Music

15 December 2016
15 December 2013

Thursday, December 14, 2017


their stripped bodies -
tis the Season of Advent
caterpillars chat

© gillena cox 2017

Blog hopping today with

Carpe Diem #1326 transformation
Kristjaan prompts us with a quote from Brida by Paulo Coelho
... "She had met people who had lost the glow of being alive because they could no longer fight against loneliness and had ended up becoming addicted to it. They were, for most part, people who believed the world to be an undignified, inglorious place, and who spent their evenings and nights talking on and on about the mistakes others had made. They were people whom solitude had made into judges of the world, whose verdicts were scattered to the four winds for whoever cared to listen..."

14 December 2016
14 December 2014
14 December 2013

Wednesday, December 13, 2017


[Moringa image from Pinterest used in this haiga]

your words spoken
healing as the Moringa
whispered small doses


words spoken -
as healing as Moringa
shared in small doses

© gillena cox 2017

Blog hopping today with

Carpe Diem #1325
follow the dictates of your heart

13 December 2015
13 December 2014
13 December 2013

Tuesday, December 12, 2017


[image from Pinterest]

we gather roses -
she arranges our hearts
closer to her son

© gillena cox 2017

Blog hopping today with
Recuerda Mi Corazon

12 Days of Mary Love: DAY 12
Feast day of Virgen de Guadalupe

Enjoy the music

12 December 2015
12 December 2014
12 December 2013

Monday, December 11, 2017


[a Pinterest image used for this haiga]

ever opening
she bring this gift of blossom
love unfailing

© gillena cox 2017

Blog hopping today with
Recuerda Mi Corazon

12 Days of Mary Love

11 December 2016
11 December 2015
11 December 2013

Sunday, December 10, 2017


[image from Pinterest]

to such hearts waiting
second Sunday of Advent -
Mary's love renewed

© gillena cox 2017

Happy 2nd Sunday Season of Advent folks. Will be sitting in at my daughter's ceremony of awards. Celebrating thankfully; her hard work, discipline, and blessings. She has been working and studying. And this year has completed her MBA.

Sunday Smiles

Sundays are always special here at Lunch Break. Today is #64 in the series The Sunday Standard when 5-7-5 haiku is featured. Here's wishing you a happy Sunday email me post a COMMENT or leave a link to your blog at the linky below

This linky list is now closed.

Blog hopping today with

Poetry Pantry # 382


Recuerda Mi Corazon 12 Days of Mary Love [DAY 10]

Enjoy The Music

Before you leave see also
Sunday Savvy 64
Sunday Lime 64
10 December 2015

Saturday, December 09, 2017


[original Madonna and Child image from Pinterest; fair use: jasmine overlays and a frame added for this haiga]

fragrance of jasmines
lingers way into sleepy night -
Mary's tender love

© gillena cox 2017

Blog hopping today with
Recuerda Mi Corazon

12 Days of Mary Love

9 December 2016
9 December 2015
9 December 2013

Friday, December 08, 2017


[image from Pinterest used for this haiga]

chosen and formed -
to her immaculate soul
God's son borne

© gillena cox 2017

Immaculate Heart of Mary Pray For Us

Blog hopping today with

Recuerda Mi Corazon
12 Days of Mary Love - Day 8 Feast of The Immaculate Conception

8 December 2016
8 December 2015
8 December 2014

Thursday, December 07, 2017


[image from Pinterest

what was she like -
me thinks a mother's heart
wise tender and strong

© gillena cox 2017

Blog hopping today with
Recuerda Mi Corazon

12 Days of Mary Love

7 December 2016
7 December 2015
7 December 2014

Wednesday, December 06, 2017


[image - used for this haiga from Bing dot com]

gentle agreement -
a saviour to all the world
the gift she bore

© gillena cox 2017

Blog hopping today with
Recuerda Mi Corazon

12 Days of Mary Love

6 December 2016
6 December 2015
6 December 2014