...Then she took her into her chamber, and said to her, "Run into the garden, and bring me a pumpkin." Cinderella... went immediately to gather the
finest she could get, and brought it to her godmother, not being able to imagine how this pumpkin could make her go to the ball. Her godmother scooped out all the inside of it, having left nothing but the rind; which done, she struck it with her wand, and the pumpkin was instantly turned into a fine coach, gilded all over with gold...
[bygosh.com; Cinderella,or The Little Glass Slipper]
continuing the Cinderella Syndrome or What every girl should have; well!!! at least once in her lifetime, anyways...in haiku/haibun style throughout the month of August; e-mail me or add your contributions at comments; to be included in the day's post
You should put all these together and send it to a publisher ;)
thank you Lorraine
much love
Charming. ;) Delightful. Cinderella in haibun, what's not to love? I agree with Lorraine, it would make an adorable book!
Here's my R-rated version of the tale:
As Cindee, I am loaned out by the stepbitches to toil in the hot kitchen and bake my delectable desserts for the ball, in order to curry (pun intended) royal favor.
Unbeknownst to them, a mischievous faerie in my apron pocket, teaches me the recipe for decadently scrumptious, enchanting and magical pumpkin pies. One bite and the Prince is instantly smitten with the baker...
All I have to do is make sure the Prince gets a piece of my pie ;o ...
Will Cindee be thwarted? Is her dream just a pie in the sky?
Stay tuned....
wonderfully wicked; Eema; and here's my take on the glass slipper issue; " in her haste she accidently lost her glass slipper"; YEAH RIGHT! WHO IS SHE KIDDING :)
much love
Beautiful again. Such a great combination! I like the haiga very much...
:D on the glass slipper. Hmmm, we'll have to work on that tall tale. ;)
Thanks again all of you for visiting,
Lorraine and eema; i'm glad you see the publication potential for this series; unfortunately my budget right now; will not allow such
much love
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