Cannas from...
gift of beauty-
the flowers adorning
our gardens
--gillena cox
'Fairy God Mother'
From ash to beauty,
only crystal slipper left:
one less is enough!
...With a flick of her magic wand, Cinderella ... found herself wearing the most beautiful dress, the loveliest ever seen in the realm. “Now that we have settled the matter of the dress,” said the fairy... [Childhood reading.com; Cinderella]
continuing the Cinderella Syndrome or What every girl should have; well!!! at least once in her lifetime, anyways...in haiku/haibun style throughout the month of August; e-mail me or add your contributions at comments; to be included in the day's post
You intrigued me with this, I have been off the web for awhile.
Here is a new one and an old one. The older one was selected for an April Poetry Month edition of the local Tribune newspaper:
Fairy God Mother!
From ash to beauty,
only crystal slipper left:
one less is enough!
I have 3 gloves left,
each a different color,
for only two hands.
-present and attentive,
hearth broom
in a cloud of ash dust
she dances
Bette Norcross Wappner (b'oki)
Thank you Dianne; i'm putting 'fairy god mother' up front on today's post; the other one i'll post at a later date
much love
Thank you Bette; i'm also holding yours to post up front on another day
much love
Beautiful, both the poems, the picture and the part of the tale...
Thank you for stopping by Frieda
much love
Beautiful photo. I await the next installment.
Dianne, Bette, Frieda, Adelaide; glad you stopped by
much love
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