terraced rice fields of China image from...
cha no kemuri yanagi to tomo ni soyogu nari
the tea smoke
and the willow
together trembling
Issa 1794...
ah, Cinderella
you are who you are--
silks and slippers
mice and fairy godmothers
merely affirmed the YOU!
the first written Cinderella story, called Yeh-Shen, was written in 850 A.D. in China? It’s over a thousand years older than the earliest known European version! And that’s not even the oldest version of Cinderella.
The king and his men returned home with Cinderella... where she produced the other slipper. As she slipped on the two slippers her rags turned into the beautiful gown and cloak she had worn to the festival. The king realized that she
was the one for him...
[Aai Ling Louie; The Chinese version of Cinderella;Yeh-Shen;A Cinderella Story]
continuing the Cinderella Syndrome or What every girl should have; well!!! at least once in her lifetime, anyways...in haiku/haibun style throughout the month of August; e-mail me or add your contributions at comments; to be included in the day's post
ah, Cinderella
you are who you are--
silks and slippers
mice and fairy godmothers
merely affirmed the YOU!
I never knew that, and beautiful the story
Diane welcome; thank you for your sharing i have posted your tanka upfront
Lorraine thank you for stopping by
much love
Interesting, I didn't know it!
Lovely image and I love Diane's poem:)
Fascinating, another version of the tale. You keep on amazing me :-)
As always... _m
Magyar, Frieda, Joo, Lorraine, Diane ---Glad you stopped by
much love
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